Monday, February 18, 2019

February 18, 2019

February, 18 2019

Owen and I spent last Saturday (the 9th) up at bogus for his last race. There had been over 70 inches of new snow this month at that point.  So if you like powder...the skiing was great!  Unfortunately Owen and I prefer nice groomed runs.  We must both be lazy skiers! But he got in his last race before the finals on the 22nd so he’s good to go.  We had caravanned up with the Demars…but they are much tougher than we are.  So that afternoon around 3:30 Owen and I decided we were beat and ready to head home before our friends.  Sadly there was an accident on the road at about that exact moment.  So we spent over an hour stopped on Bogus Basin road.  We should have relaxed in the lodge and maybe gotten in another run that evening.  Oh well.

Owen is officially entering his teenage years.  I can tell this not only by the slight change and crack in his voice, but by his pleasant attitude as well.  He’s become very knowledgeable and likes to share his opinions on everything that he is right about and that we know nothing about.  It’s wonderful!  He’s losing some of his childhood spunk and more and more things are becoming lame.  He used to be able to ski all day (happily) regardless of the conditions.  Now he can’t seem to make it through an hour with out complaining if conditions aren’t to his liking.  Have I mentioned how much I love teenagers?! They’re so fun!

The remainder of our last week can be summed up with one word….sick.  John’s sickness still hasn’t left completely.  I missed 2 days of work last week and felt sick and tired for the remaining three.  Ainsley has had a cough and been congested.  And on Friday I picked up a sick Owen from school.  I even went to the doctor on Friday because I was so miserable.  It was completely embarrassing because I had been taking antibiotics from Mexico.  The nurse laughed at me.  The doctor was clearly irritated.  They tested me for mono and when that came back negative just gave me a stronger antibiotic to try for 10 days.  I’m actually feeling better…just super congested.

All of the sickness put a little damper on Valentine’s Day this year.  Luckily I was on the ball and we had made Emmie’s valentine box and valentine’s to pass out to her class weeks ago.  It’s amazing how much more money I’m willing to spend on Emmie than I was for Owen and Ainsley.  I’m sure this is partly due to the fact that I’m only having to buy valentine’s for one child, partly because money isn’t quite as tight as it was several years ago, and mostly because I’m lazy and ordering toys and goodies online and buying partially made boxes at hobby lobby is easier than starting from scratch. Sadly, on the day of the big event I was sick. So instead of going to Emmie’s class party this year I came home from work and slept.  Then I attempted to make dinner, and the kids attempted to help me, but I ended up just being annoyed.  I feel bad that I was crabby with them when they were trying to help. But I felt horrible and kids “helping” in the kitchen was just making more work for me.  And I snapped.  So we had an awkward and quiet dinner of Thai peanut noodles and potstickers.  And mini cupcakes for dessert from “nothing bundt cakes”. And then I went back to bed.  Maybe next years Valentine’s Day will be better?

I mentioned that Owen was sick this weekend, and I even complained about him becoming a cranky teen, but that kid is a trooper!  On Saturday the stake held a kick-off trek activity where there was a devotional and then a simulated Sweet water River crossing in the Boise river.  Owen took some DayQuil and braved the cold waters to be a part of it.  I’m glad he did.  I think he and Ainsley enjoyed the activity and I hope it gets them thinking a little more about church history as they prepare for trek this summer.

Owen rested the rest of Saturday and Sunday and then we made him get up and go skiing with us on Monday since it was Presidents’ Day and the kids had a day off of school.  We spent a bit of time skiing with our friend the Ball’s.  Owen finally had crazy and daring boys to ski with!  Unfortunately by lunch time he was too tired to keep up with them.  He rested for a bit and then came and skied with us a bit more in the afternoon.  It was the best ski day I’ve seen in a while! The sun was out, the snow was incredible, and it wasn’t insanely busy. Emmie and I even conquered our first black diamond! Without falling! I was so proud of us!  I’m glad Owen toughed it out for a day, and he says he was too, Because it was totally worth it!  Now we just need to get everyone rested for the upcoming week!

And finally on a bit of a sadder note…Right before Thanksgiving my good friend Heather told me that she had been diagnosed with breast cancer. I was heart broken for her. She is legitimately the most positive person I know and has taken all of this bad news in stride and with an incredible attitude. She will be traveling to Salt Lake for a mastectomy on Tuesday. So in celebration of her we had a girls day with a few close friends on Friday. We went to lunch and then got pedicures and gave her a basket of comfy clothes, treats, and magazines to keep pass her recovery time. On Sunday John smoked her family some meat and we took over dinner and visited with her family for a few hours. The Demars have become family over the years and it’s hard to watch this and feel like there’s nothing we can do to help. But hopefully they know we love them and would do anything for their family. I’ll be driving her back to Salt Lake on the 25th for her follow-up appointment where she will find out if chemo is part of her future treatment. We’re praying surgery goes well and that it is not.

We were too lazy to take our shoes off to show our pretty dirty shoes it is!

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

February 5, 2019

John was gone for most of last week to a training in SanDiego.  Things were fairly calm while he was away.  The kids went to school.  I went to work.  I drove the kids around and we did homework and made valentines boxes in the evenings. And usually by 8:00 I was tired and done and we all went to bed early.  (So that I could watch TV in bed in peace and quiet.)

This summer Owen and Ainsley will go on trek with our stake.  The big kick off fireside was on Sunday night.  I’m excited for Ainsley and Owen to be going this year.  Although it feels strange to be sending them and not going this time.  I’m glad John and I got to experience it last time so I know how to prepare them though! At the fireside the kids were encouraged to start working on finding an ancestor to “trek for”. So on Tuesday afternoon a family history leader from our ward (Sister Knorpp….who is fabulous) came over to help Owen and Ainsley learn to find some names to take to the temple.  Ainsley did a project for her English class last semester on her family history and where she came from.  She has an incredible amount of knowledge about her ancestors, but was lacking knowledge on how to find names to take to the temple.  I think now she is set and ready to go.  Owen was mostly interested in checking a box and having a name to trek for.  Maybe as he gets a little older he’ll start to have more of a desire to be connected to his ancestors.

Thursday night I picked John up from the airport and he wasn’t feeling great. He went to work on Friday and gave his training but by that night he was feeling even worse. I spent Friday night on the phone with the lovely people of sprint haggling over phone prices for nearly 3 hours.  It was horrifying, but in the end I got what I wanted.  That night we gathered up our snow gear as we were planning on driving to McCall for the winter carnival the next morning. The plan was to meet up with my parents who were already up there.  Unfortunately that trip just wasn’t meant to happen.  We got up early and started getting ready.  John felt horrible and so we decided that I would just take the kids. And then at about 7:30 we got a call from my dad telling us that my mom had been sick and throwing up all night and on top of that it had been raining.  The snow sculptures were melting and it was a muddy mess.  We decided against fighting the crowds and the traffic and had a free day at home instead.  We did a few chores that morning and then I took the kids to lunch and the dollar movie to see the Fantastic Beasts movie…finally. And John stayed home and slept.

Saturday night I ate a pear.  Which normally wouldn’t be a huge deal.  Except over the last year I’ve self diagnosed myself with something called oral allergy syndrome.  Basically my body thinks I’m allergic to fruits and nuts that mimic characteristics of a pollen I’m actually allergic to seasonally.  The fruits I have to be careful with are apples, cherries, pears, and occasionally almonds.  But on Saturday night I really wanted a pear.  So I ate one.  Within 5 minutes my lips swelled up to the size of Kansas and they didn’t shrink completely back to normal until Sunday afternoon!  I went to church Sunday morning but I was self conscious and tried to avoid talking to people and to keep my lip tucked in.  It was crazy!  The swelling has  never lasted that long before or gotten that big before!  Next time I think I’ll pass on the pear.  Sad.

We also watched the super bowl with my parents this week.  John stayed home and rested and I took the kids.  I don’t really like the Super Bowl.  I honestly couldn’t care less about it.  But I do have fond memories of my grandma and grandpa Welch coming to watch the super bowl with us when I was growing up.  We would always have hoagie sandwiches and my mom would butter and toast the bread which I loved.  And we would always have Doritos.  Which I loved.  Clearly I loved food as a child!  I wonder what random memories my children will carry with them about seemingly insignificant moments…like the 2019 Super Bowl.

And last but not least a funny story that I remembered about Emmie last week.  Last summer we were camping with the Demars family at Sagehen reservoir.  We like camping there with the Demars because we use them for their kayaks and canoes. Plus we enjoy their company!  One day Emmie was with John and me and we were canoeing across the reservoir.  I’m not sure where Emmie thought we were going but she was clearly disappointed.  Because at one point she looked up and called out slightly agitated, “where the hell are we?!” John and I about died laughing! We never talk like that at home! Somehow that girl has quite a mouth on her!