Friday, January 21, 2011

On being grateful.

Last week I had several days where I was in a "poor me, my life is so terrible" mood. For good reason, I thought.

And so the LONG story begins....

(FYI, while the story starts out very negative I felt that I had to take you, the reader, on my journey to completely make my point at the end. So bear with my "Negative Nelly" portion of the story.)

Last Thursday at 10:30 in the evening I went in to tuck in the kids before we headed to bed. When I grabbed Emmie's blanket it was wet. I turned on the light and there was puke everywhere. I mean everywhere. I don't know how many times she threw up, but she never cried. I felt terrible that she had been sleeping in her own vomit. She was shaking and cold. John and I both got to work. It was probably about an hour before she and her bed were finally clean and settled. But she was still sick and throwing up. So Emmie and I slept on the couch that night with a bowl and a rag close at hand. She had a long night. The next day, she was done with the throw up part of her illness and moved on to terrible diarrhea. She was sad and miserable. She just wanted held all day. (Which is the only kind of nice part of sick kids.)

Then on Friday, the real fun began. I was doing laundry, and lots of it, when suddenly there was water all over the laundry room floor. I pulled out the washer and dryer to clean it up and try to find the leak. When I noticed something odd. The wall behind the washer was bowed out. After some phone calls and some stress a friend came over and took a look at the wall for us. He confirmed the bad news. Our wall was completely squishy and had to come out. The water had gone through to the area near the heater in the garage and into our closet. There was also mold in our closet. We were very excited about that. We pulled up carpet, started fans, and he called his friend who came over on a Friday night to inspect the situation for us. He cut out part of our wall, removed insulation, took off base boards, and started some serious fans. There was mold all over the wall and base boards.

It's gross. We will have to relay carpet (thankfully not much), replace linoleum (that we just replaced a couple years ago), replace floor boards, base boards, and some wall.
In the midst of all this we were also trying to get the washer repaired and trying to figure out how there was water so high up the wall.
After $75 worth of work on our washer we finally realized the water issue was not with the washer but with the drainage hose off the washer. It was leaking at the top and bottom. Which was discouraging since we had just replaced that hose 2 months ago. It was installed properly, just a crappy hose. Thousands of dollars of damage because of a faulty hose. It stinks.
Our house is torn apart to this day. We had fans going for days. And we're just waiting now for the guy that's going to be doing the repairs to finish another job.
In the midst of this John got Emmie's illness. He was out for the count. I spent time running around town using other people's washer and dryer, getting ready for Ainsley's party, and just trying to keep things up and running. To sum things up, it was possibly one of the worst weeks of my life.
And that explains why I was in a poor me mood.
My list of reasons why people should feel sorry for me got pretty long. I was mostly depressed that more money was flying out the window. I don't know why money is always an issue for us. It seemed like we were finally getting somewhere and had money allocated and accounted for. And then the money was taken away from us, like it always is.
For example.........
****We've been trying to figure out how to afford a new car. We're just not sure how much longer John's car will be with us. In an instant, all the money we had saved for that was gone.
We have also been trying to save to buy ourselves out of our house. The task of saving $70,000 feels pretty daunting. I don't know that it will ever happen. I get a little angry when people tell me that they are stuck in their house too. I don't really care if you're stuck in your house if your family fits in it. It's to the point that if someone gives me a gift or offers me something my first thought is, "Do I have room for it?" If I don't we don't want it. We're here for the long haul. We feel trapped, we are more than squished, and we hate it. What I wouldn't give to be renting right now. I'd love to be renting a house instead of trying to live frugally in an attempt to save a gazillion dollars just to have the option of moving. And yet here I am replacing walls and floors in a house I'm coming to despise.
It's like there's some lesson I need to learn, and until I learn my lesson I'll have to feel strapped financially.
And then, I received my slap in the face.
I was watching part of conference while I was home from church with Emmie. I happened to be to the talk President Monson gave on being grateful. Hello! I couldn't have listened to this at a better time. As I listened to him talk about gratitude, and the general lack thereof, I realized that I needed to get over myself and just learn to be grateful.
I may not live in a spacious 1400 square foot house, and my family might have terrible luck with water being in places in our home where it shouldn't be, and we might drive old cars that our family doesn't really fit in, and I might be so desperate for space that I could scream. But the bottom line is that all these things really aren't that important in the grand scheme of things.
My list of blessings is long. And somehow easily forgotten. I have 3 beautiful children. I live in an amazing community. I have a healthy body. My family is healthy. We have a roof over our heads, a pretty nice roof compared to what most of the world lives in. No one in my family has ever had to go hungry. We have always had our needs met. We have always been blessed with odd jobs that have helped with these unexpected expenses. We both have great families. We have amazing friends. And the list goes on and on.
I am so quick to forget my blessings as I compare myself to others and what they have. And so now, in the midst of my little chaos, I'm trying my best to have a positive attitude. I'm grateful that we caught the leak when we did. The damage could have been so much worse had the leak gone on indefinitely.
Everyone is now healthy again.
Repairs will be made.
And life will go on.

One year older and wiser too....

Ainsley turned 7 yesterday. And, in my opinion, had an amazing day.
She had the option of having a friend party this year and chose the theme of 'spa party' weeks ago. And so a spa party we had!
I was proud of my mad decorating/party planning skills. Here we have the flowers we used to make flower clips for their hair. And mirrors so they could adore themselves. We drank from fancy (plastic) wine glasses.
And I made these cute/weird puff ball things that hung all over the ceiling. And we had stations set up for manicures, hair and make-up, and clip making.
When the girls arrived they got to put on a chocolate mask. Ains wanted the spa party to be relaxing. Ironically this was the most stressful part of the party for me. We survived with no chocolate stains!
The girls were looking lovely in their age appropriate make up.
We also played a musical chairs style paint your toe nails game. The girls got to keep the polish that they ended up with. (Another slightly stressful activity...but we are stain free!)
The party went well due to the extra sets of hands we had for the afternoon. My mom manned the manicure station, complete with real manicure bowls. (Who would have thought you could buy those things for $1.50?) and Kort put together the flowers with all the girls. And there were plenty of snacks for when the girls had down time in between stations.

After her friend party we went to Cafe Ole for dinner. I think the reason she really wanted to go there was because she knew they sing to you on your birthday and give you ice cream. AND you get to wear a sombrero. I'm pretty sure the sombrero was key to making the moment cool.

After dinner we rushed home and put a grumpy Emmie to bed so the rest of us could enjoy the night. We ate more cupcakes and she got to open all her family gifts and then her cousin Bria even spent the night.
I'm not sure we could have crammed any more birthday in if we tried!

And now a bit about Ainsley.......
She is an amazing oldest child.
Very helpful.
A fun babysitter for Owen and Emmie. (While I'm in the house of course)
She is amazing in school.
She loves to read and devours books.
Her current favorite is American Girl.
She is always kind to the underdog.
She is a born leader.
She is a terribly picky eater.
She is even picky about candy that she will eat. It's weird to me that I have a hard time finding her a candy bar that she will like.
Everyone loves her. People come up to me all the time and tell me what an amazing little girl we have.

And I couldn't agree more.

Happy Birthday Ainsley! We hope you loved your day!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Owen the Builder

Owen got a bird house kit with his tools for Christmas. He and John worked on the birdhouse diligently one day.
Their results were very impressive.
Eventually they'll get it painted and hung on a tree outside. What skilled men we have in this family.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

'Tis the Season

Every January, well every January since I've had kids, I seem to spend the entire Everything is on clearance, and I have Ainsley's birthday this month. And once I start I just can't seem to stop. When I can stock up on shirts, pants, shoes, and coats for next year for CHEAP there is just no holding back.

I've learned some tricks of the trade too. For example, I shop at Old Navy as soon as they mark down all of their winter stuff to clearance. This way I get the best selection. Then when they mark everything down to half off (which they do every year...except this year things are currently only marked down 40% off clearance prices) I go get a price adjustment. You can do this for 2 weeks. So you just have to be willing to watch the store and save your receipt. Tricks like this really seem to help since buying clothes for my family just seems to get more and more expensive. Especially for Ains. Why are big girl clothes so expensive?!

And so now, in an attempt to make myself feel better after my shopping binge, I decided to tally up what I got.

2 winter coats
1 pair of cute dress boots
2 pairs of shoes
2 sweaters
2 pairs of pants
1 pair of sweats
1 cute puffer vest
14 shirts
2 bibs
3 pairs of socks
1 maternity dress

All for less than $150. Which I think is pretty good. Especially since some of those clothes and shoes were for me!

FYI. I didn't notice it was maternity until I bought it, brought it home, and was showing it off to a friend. She noticed it said maternity on the label. After much deliberation, and some pep talks to myself, I decided that I can pull off the maternity dress! Mostly because it was only $7.50. And I really need church clothes. And I swear 2 people have now seen me in the dress and confirmed it doesn't look like maternity. And it's longer, usually dresses are too short for me. And it should fit great next year when my food baby returns. I may start shopping for maternity dresses more often.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Farewell to a Friend

There will be no more pictures like these.

As of yesterday Emmie is binky free.

She had one fluke night of crying where I went in to check on her and she had thrown her binky out of her crib. So I decided that if she could do it once she could do it again. And so right then and there I got rid of the binkies. At midnight. She has has successfully fallen asleep on her own now with out crying 3 times. I don't want to jinx myself, but this may have been the easiest binky withdrawal ever.
And while it will be nice not to be tied to a binky anymore, (especially the annoying green kind that couldn't attach to anything and rolled across floors like nothing I've ever seen before) I'm a little sad that Emmie is growing up. I'll miss seeing her hold it with her pointer finger stuck all the way up the back. And I'll miss the games she played with it. She always thought it was hilarious when she would bite hard on her binky and we would pull it out of her mouth.
I won't miss looking for the binky, and having to know where it is at all times however.
And so we say good-bye to Emmie's best friend. Her green binky.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Bath Time

The kids got bath foam for Christmas. Its awesome!!

Holiday Detox

A friend of mine convinced me to do this detox with her. It's supposed to burn fat, boost energy, and get rid of bloating (you have all witnessed mine). John is doing it with me too. I read it and thought, "Doesn't sound too bad!" Well let me tell you, I'm only 2 meals in and am pretty sure they have been the worst 2 meals of my life. Care to join us?

(Here's our menu. Minus the Green tea)


Joy’s Protein Power Smoothie

In a blender, combine ¾ cup skim milk (for vegan plan, substitute soy or almond milk), ½ banana, ½ cup frozen raspberries, ½ cup frozen blueberries, 1 scoop vanilla whey protein powder (for vegan plan, substitute soy, rice, or pea protein powder), ¼ teaspoon cinnamon, and 5 ice cubes. Blend until smooth and frothy.

Optional black coffee or tea


Drink two 8-ounce glasses water (with optional lemon) within 30 minutes of eating. Drink as much additional water as you’d like during the meal.

Large spinach salad

•Unlimited spinach leaves
•Unlimited antioxidant-rich produce (Best choices include bell peppers, tomatoes, carrots, red onions, broccoli, and sliced beets. You may also add cucumbers, mushrooms, celery, and cauliflower.)
•½ cup red kidney, pinto, or black beans
•1 tablespoon toasted, chopped pecans
•Dress with 1 teaspoon olive oil and unlimited balsamic or red wine vinegar
1 pink or red grapefruit

1 cup green tea


½ cup unsalted pistachio nuts (in shell)

1 cup green tea


Drink two 8-ounce glasses of water (with optional lemon) within 30 minutes of eating. Drink as much additional water as you’d like during your meal.

Unlimited baked, grilled, broiled, or poached fish

Unlimited steamed broccoli with optional fresh lemon and black pepper