Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Serves me right!

Today I caught Emmie 'mid-poop' and decided to try to get her to sit on the toilet. I decided this despite her absolute fear of and refusal to have anything to do with the toilet. So I took her into the bathroom and was trying to trap her in there while also trying to dig out our little toilet training seat that was in the bathroom cupboard.
What happened next took me a bit by surprise. I somehow unhooked a pipe/tube thing (forgive my lack of proper plumbing terminology) water started spraying everywhere!!! I was getting soaking wet, as was the floor, and everything under the sink. It took me a few seconds to get my bearings, pull everything out from under the sink, and figure out how to get the water shut off. It was insane! There was A LOT of water EVERYWHERE!!! Way more water than one would expect would end up on the floor after a few seconds of gushing water.
And so instead of convincing Emmie to sit on the toilet........I got to clean up this.
In case you were wondering it was that little plastic tube thingy......All in the name of potty training (or lack thereof)!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day!

Our day included....

John getting a guilty verdict. (Way to go John!)

The entire family being at the school nearly all day. Seriously, it was hours. Too. Many. Hours. But it was fun :)

Heart shaped pancakes and peanut butter sandwiches.



Spaghetti and meatballs.



A new shower head. (Heaven!)

The best Valentine's I've ever received plastered on the bathroom mirror.

(They said things like..........."There's no one else I'd rather spend this annual obligation with." "I could watch TV with you forever." "The GOP settling for Romney is a great reminder to thanks you or settling for me." (Not that either of us don't support Romney, we do, but it's still funny :) "I'm glad you recognize how terrible your life would be without me." Some people like the mushy stuff, I've learned over the years that I'm not a romantic. I'm glad John knows that these are way more my style, because it was a great laugh for the morning!

And the kids got gifts too. Gifts that fit their interests right now perfectly. Ains got new earrings. Emmie got play-doh. And Owen got a ream of paper. Now he can use all the paper he wants with out us getting mad at him. How sad that we have limited his paper usage, but it was really out of control! He makes paper airplanes and origami like no one I've ever seen. Seriously. He just folds and folds and then throws them on the floor and starts another. I'm starting to think he might have some sort of OCD. Maybe? But now he can fold in peace.

It was a good day!

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Ainsley's Baptism

I'm finally getting pictures posted of Ainsley's baptism! She was baptized last Saturday, February 4th. And it really was a fabulous day. After the "unnecessary" things had been taken care of, like the dress, the shoes, the sweater, the headband, the white underwear, (You know, all the fluff. Although I think Ainsley enjoyed the countless hours we spent shopping, you don't know how hard it is to find reasonably priced white attire in January!) we were able to have a nice and relatively calm day.

Ainsley looked beautiful and so big. It was kind of surreal. I think John and Ainsley enjoyed the day the most. They were able to have time to themselves and enjoy the spirit. I was a little bit more flustered worrying about other children. John however was more choked up than I have ever seen him. Ever. It was very touching.
I think I was most touched when John was confirming her and said that the world was lacking in kindness, and this is something that Ainsley can bring to the world. She truly is kind and has developed compassion for others at such a young age. She is so special! She has been so excited about fasting and the meaning of baptism for quite a while now. I love that she took the time to understand the covenants she was going to be making. I don't know many 8 year olds that give that much thought without their parents prompting. She was able to have both of her grandpa's be witnesses. They participated in her confirmation as well, along with her uncles Dan, and Dan, and Cy. It was so nice to have family there to participate and share the moment with us. It really was a day that Ainsley will never forget.

And just for good measure, to finish off the night, we had awesome food and a dance party. We are pretty awesome dancers. Although I think I'm the best. :)