Today I caught Emmie 'mid-poop' and decided to try to get her to sit on the toilet. I decided this despite her absolute fear of and refusal to have anything to do with the toilet. So I took her into the bathroom and was trying to trap her in there while also trying to dig out our little toilet training seat that was in the bathroom cupboard.
What happened next took me a bit by surprise. I somehow unhooked a pipe/tube thing (forgive my lack of proper plumbing terminology) water started spraying everywhere!!! I was getting soaking wet, as was the floor, and everything under the sink. It took me a few seconds to get my bearings, pull everything out from under the sink, and figure out how to get the water shut off. It was insane! There was A LOT of water EVERYWHERE!!! Way more water than one would expect would end up on the floor after a few seconds of gushing water.
And so instead of convincing Emmie to sit on the toilet........I got to clean up this.