Friday, February 8, 2013

Owen recently had his first grade music performance at school.  It shall I put this...entertaining.  At one point I was seriously laughing out loud at Owen and his neighbor and their ourtageously mellow personalities.  Ainsley kept asking me what I was laughing at.  I just couldn't quite explain.  In this first picture you'll notice that Owen gave us a smile and a wave.  This was before any music was being sung. 
If you look for Owen in this next picture you'll discover the face that Owen showed during the ENTIRE performance.  It was almost laughable.  His friend Logan (to Owen's left) was about as animated as Owen.  He made me laugh when he smiled at his parents during an entire song because he thought they were taking his picture (they were taking video) and he just smiled and smiled and didn't sing a word.  Owen remained pretty much motionless.  It didn't help that the little girl next to Owen was possibly the most animated kid up there.
Owen even had a little part. He got to come to the front and read a poem. Guess how we found out he had a part? Ainsley came home from school and told us.  (The first graders performed for the entire school during the day and the parents at night.)   Thanks for the heads up Owen!  Seriously though, that kid makes me smile.

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