Saturday, February 22, 2014


I have debated to write about this because it isn't very positive.  But I decided that this blog needed to share the good and the not so good parts of our lives.  So here we go....

Owen is forcing me to learn about boys.  More specifically spirited boys.  Even more specifically MY spirited boy.  I've always struggled a bit with Owen.  He's headstrong and independent and short tempered (just like his parents).  I've always know that he wasn't the kid that would naturally get along with everyone. Which is a little ironic because the only 2 things he has interest in doing is playing with friends and playing the ipad.  It is guaranteed that the first words out of his mouth when he gets home from school will be "can I play with a friend?" and his first words every  morning are, "Can I play the ipad?" 

Lately Owen has been struggling a bit at school and church.  He just can't seem to keep his hands and inappropriate words to himself.  Last month I was at the school meeting with the principal and the school counselor about an incident with another boy in his class.  Luckily Owen hadn't done anything too bad, but events had escalated to a point where parents were involved.  He now has someone in his class that he is not allowed to be near or speak to, and vice versa.  This whole things stresses me out and worries me.  I just don't understand it.  I've never understood personalities that were so polar that they literally couldn't mesh with another personality.

I'm never surprised to get concerned emails from teachers, notes to be signed and returned to school, or even calls home.  On the other hand, when he tries to get his act together, I'm always pleasantly surprised to get positive notes home. It proves to me that he can do it.  He can be good! Those occasional notes make me think we'll be able to get this sorted out an raise a child that can succeed and function in society (okay, maybe that was a little dramatic).

Through all of this I've learned a few things.

  • MY boy has endless energy.  Endless.  I don't know that I've ever heard him say he was tired.
  • With the friends that he does get along with really well, MY boy can play for hours.  Literally.
  • MY boy is very independent.  He can take care of himself and is happiest when he is roaming the streets with his friends taking care of himself.
  • MY boy can play on electronics for hours on end.  It's a little unnerving.
  • MY boy is not driven to do well in school.  He could care less if he does an assignment perfectly.
  • MY boy is super smart.  Seriously.  Possibly my smartest kid.  He could just care less about proving that to other people.
  • MY boy is fearless. 
  • MY boy doesn't like church (yet).  For him its terribly boring.
  • My boy doesn't like to be touched.  Unless it's a back scratch and then he loves it.
  • MY boy is a little OCD.  His loom band hobby has gotten a little out of control. 
  • MY boy has kept a fish alive for 7 months now.  Perhaps its time we consider getting him a dog.
  • MY boy might cause me concern until he' I don't know....maybe 50?
  • MY boy came to MY family for a reason.  
  • MY boy has qualities that will get him far in life.  As long as he learns to use those qualities wisely
  • I'm glad that MY boy is mine. 


shellydinger said...

Thank you for writing this. It just sounds so familiar. It's comforting to not feel like I'm the only one struggling. My mom always tells me that Beckett was sent to me for very specific reasons, and no one else could care for him like I could. That gets me through hard days (most of the time:)

Kohl said...

There was a series of articles in the Deseret News last month about raising boys. Here is the link to the 3rd part:

All 3 parts of the story gave me some things to think about with my raising my boys.
Good luck!! :)

KT said...

Love this post Jess. I have a boy too that I struggle with sometimes. He's kind of a mystery to me and I'm constantly commenting that he will be in therapy as an adult thanks to me. Parenting aint for sissies. Good luck!