When I got home from Portland we dove into spring break. I'm not going to lie. I wasn't prepared for the week at all. It was rainy. And we had nothing to do. It wasn't the best week. It ended with conference, which was nice. But just more sitting around the house.
I got my living room finished though. My red wall is no-longer. And everything is in place.
And I think the piano looks great. It's amazing how much the kids have been using it already. Digitals are definitely the way to go.
Ains also had a dance recital. She's been taking dance from a lady who teaches dance classes in her converted garage. I'm impressed with what Ainsley has learned over the past few months. Too bad her teacher is moving this month!
Her class was made up of first and second graders and they danced to "Wanna Be Like You" from the Jungle Book. Ains practiced a lot and was fantastic. She had the moves down and the personality to go along with it. It was fun to watch her do so well. We were proud parents!
Her cousin Bailey takes from the same teacher. They were both great that night.
Emmie was adamant about having her Easter basket in her room. There was no compromising. She would not sleep unless it was with in her sight. So we let her sleep with it in her room. And this is what her pillow looked like in the morning. We're such good parents :)
I missed you. I checked every day. I'm glad you're back!!
Love. . . . LOVE. . . .Arrested Development.
Glad your back!
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