Tuesday, April 17, 2012

An Interview

I've always had an interest in family history. And I've also always felt a sense of guilt surrounding family history. Because I know I should be doing it. And not just because every member of the church has been told they should be doing it, because I've been told specifically that I need to be doing it.

I've probably known this since I was about 10 though. I don't know many other 10 year old's who are fascinated by the past of their relatives. Who love to sit and listen to stories and figure out pedigrees at such a young age. Or maybe I'm wrong and all children are like that. Who can say for sure?

For years now I've felt the need to interview my grandparents and get a written history. I think I've felt guilty because all of them have past away now but one. My grandpa Welch.

On Saturday I put a portion of my guilt to rest. I drove to Twin Falls with my parents and had a little visit with my Grandpa. I now have almost 3 hours of recorded material and pages of notes. I knew very little of my Grandpa. We spent hours there and only talked about his life up to the point of when he started having a family. And it was nearly all new information to me. I. Loved. It.

I get a little emotional just thinking about it. More than anything I love the stories. The details that tell you more about the people that came before you and their day to day experiences. Saturday was a day I will never forget. I feel much closer to my grandpa now. And while I still need to go back and take another 3 hours to get the details on the rest of his life, I feel like I got a great start.

My only regret was that I forgot to get out the camera and take a still picture of him.....Ah well, next time.


Anonymous said...

We have done that with Hubby's grandma, and it is truly amazing. It is so fascinating to hear about their lives. Glad you were able to do it! :) I LOVE family history. I'm like a little old grandma in a lot of ways.......it's kinda creepy.



Anonymous said...

I took my first genealogy class when I was 12--the ward leaders wouldn't let me take it until I was in Young Women's or it would have been a lot sooner.

Alene said...

Sorry--I hit publish befoe my name

EJ said...

That's cool, Jess! It's amazing how interesting people's life stories are (even when they are just a normal person).