Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Emmie's Big Day

 It was on this dreary September morning that Emmie started preschool.  I can't believe my youngest is in preschool! 
She was bummed that she had to sit around and wait a full 30 minutes after Ains and Owen went to school to get to go to her school.   And from what I hear she had a great time.  Although the only information I got out of her was that they had grapes and goldfish for snack.  That must have been her favorite part of the day! 
 Emmie is so full of spunk and a constant entertainer around here.  I'm wondering if she will be the same way in her class.  Only time will tell I suppose....
While I'm a little bit sad, I'm also a little bit happy.  I truly feel that I am in the prime years of parenthood.  My kids are old enough that we can all have fun together without worrying about diapers or naps, but young enough that they still like their mom and dad.  Golden years I tell you!


alene said...

Enjoy it. It lasts way to short a time.

SD and EJ said...

Oh my gosh, she is SO cute!! And I'm jealous of your dreary morning; I love the rain!

KT said...

I'm jealous of your quiet time! :) I probably shouldn't be given my current situation. It's about to get real crazy here.....but I can't help it. So jealous.