Sunday, November 10, 2013

Ainsley's Award

Ainsley recently won an award for her artwork.  Elementary school students in Meridian competed in an artwork competition put on by the fireman.  The kids were supposed to draw something that showed fire safety.  Ainsley worked on hers for one night at home...and then we promptly forgot about it.  And then we got an email.  She won first place in the fourth grade division.  Way to go Ains!

One of her best friends, Katherine, won second place.  It was quite the occasion.
And here is Ainsley with her teacher Mrs. Walker.


EJ said...

Way to go, Ains! (Next time I see you, please teach me how to do Ashlyn's hair like Ainsley's in these pictures. It's SO cute!)

shellydinger said...

Again, Ainsley looks beautiful - you must be a carrier of the flawless hair gene.

It is a really impressive drawing, especially the lettering.