Tuesday, October 21, 2014


Ainsley decided she wanted to try volleyball this year. And since I love volleyball, I happily obliged.  I ended up being the assistant coach.  Mostly because I realized that when my children play a sport that I know and enjoy I become a little controlling and bossy and a little bit obnoxious.  It was really hard to keep my mouth quiet sometimes. 

I think Ainsley enjoyed it. I'm convinced she could be quite the volleyball player with some time and practice!  She is willing to try and learned a lot for her first attempt at the game.  Her team improved a lot over the season as well, although they still only won their first game.  Some of the teams they played had fourth and fifth graders serving overhand!  Crazy!  I think she wants to try it again in the spring.  So yay for me!  I might have a child come to love a sport I love as well! 

1 comment:

KT said...

I love to coach my kids teams. I find it oddly satisfying. As long as they are still little and the team is not super competitive, I think it is a lot of fun. Go Ains!