Friday, January 2, 2015

Our visit with Santa

One dreary, rainy, Friday afternoon during December Kortney called and informed me that it was free ice skating night at The Village.  Due to the rain we assumed crowds would be low and we would have the rink to ourselves and a nice opportunity to visit with Santa.  Miraculously the rains stopped right before we arrived and stayed away the entire hour or so that we were on the ice.  The kids had a blast and did surprisingly well. The rink is teeny tiny and I've always wondered how it would be for skating.  My answer is that for free its awesome!  And even if it weren't free it would be pretty fun.

Here is a picture of my children with the obnoxious boy at the rink.  He was somehow everywhere I turned all the time and soooo loud and chatty.  I laughed that John happened to get a picture of him with the kids.

After we got off the ice it started raining.  Pouring more like it.  And we waited in line for about an hour to visit with Santa.  There was much crying on Emmie's part and she may have eaten all of Norah's puff crackers out of shear starvation.  She was also not interested to talking to Santa.  Even though we are all sure this is the real one. 
But she would stand for a picture as long as I stood in as a buffer between her and the big guy.

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