Thursday, February 4, 2016

I Should Have Known Better...

As 2016 approached I made the mistake of declaring that 2016 would be our year.  Yes, 2016 was going to go much more smoothly for us that 2015.  This year was going to be a piece of cake!  I made bold declarations such as...We will be able to sell our rental, and it will all work out beautifully.  We will be able to rebuild our savings.  I will get serious about my health and start acting my age and learn to like vegetables!  The children will have no issues and life will be all rainbows and unicorns.  Yes, this year will be nice and easy.  And I assumed it would be because I declared it.  And if you declare something it automatically happens right?!

I should have know better.

2016 came in like a whirlwind.  In one month we had to replace a dishwasher and range at our rental. We had to replace our furnace.  John, Emmie, and I all got the flu from #%{^.  I don't normally swear but it was that bad.  John and I were sick for well over a week.  John still isn't completely better. And coincidently the furnace went out while John and Emmie were sick.  Fevered and cold with no heat.  Nice.  John's car decided it didn't want to last as long as we wanted it too. My toe is still broken and I have thrown out my back twice.  That hasn't happened in years!  And I just ate almonds dipped in Nutella for lunch instead of carrots.  So that tells you how my love of vegetables is growing.  And for some reason I decided to get a dog (luckily he is good :).

All of that in less than 30 days!  Thank heavens things are going well for our children...knock on wood...

Lesson learned.  I shall never again make bold declarations about how rosy my life will be.  Well played universe...well played.

Disclaimer: things really aren't horrible...I'm more just amazed at the irony of it all :)


Alene said...

They say you should eat a handful of nuts every day.

KT said...

I'm with Alene....almonds are super healthy!! And the nutella is just like putting salad dressing on a salad: it helps the healthy stuff go down. :)

I have learned, the hard way, to never makes such lofty goals. The "universe" likes to tell me who's in charge. And it is not me. Drives me crazy. I love to be in charge.

I wish you the best of the rest of the year though! Sincerely!! There is just too much trouble to go around.

SD and EJ said...

Life just stinks sometimes. I hope the rest of this month is totally uneventful for you!

Melanie said...

Ahhh! I've decided it's better to not make any plans or declarations. Low expectations equals happiness. :)