Monday, November 5, 2018

Another Halloween is in the books. Owen and Emmie went trick or treating this year with the Demars kids and a few other friends.  The dads walked around with the kids and the moms stayed home and passed out candy. I took the opportunity of a night home alone and got my sharing time planned for Sunday.  The co start ringing of the doorbell slowed me down a bit, but it got done!  The kids were out trick or treating for over two hours and ended up with so much candy!  If I know my children, I’d say that Owen will have his gone in a week and I’ll throw away what Emmie hasn’t eaten in December.  Ainsley got together with her friend Hallie and they hung out at her house and then went to watch a scary movie with Heather Demars (their Mia maid leader) and a few other kids from the ward.  I was relieved she had something to do that night and wasn’t home bored on Halloween. Owen decided that this would be his last year trick or treating.   Glad he came to that conclusion on his own, but it’s a little sad that we’re coming to the end of an era.  Emmie and Owen commenced in the traditional candy sort and trade after they got home that night.  Emmie commented that she was ready to trade with Ainsley when Ainsley got home.. I was a little sad to tell her that Ains didn’t trick or treat this year and wouldn’t have anything to trade! Who will Emmie have to sort and trade with next year?! So sad!

Johns family cam into town this weekend for Audrey’s baptism.  (James and Shelly’s daughter). Friday night Steve and Alene came for dinner and brought Dan and Paige’s kid. Saturday morning we went to the baptism.  James and Shelly came from Oregon to have Audrey baptized here because she had a cousin that was able to be baptized on the same day.  Plus I think the location is easier for both families to be able to attend. The program and baptism were really nice.  I really don’t like the mass stake baptisms that our stake does.  This was personal and quaint.  I wish my kids baptisms would have been like that!  Then Saturday but we headed over to the other Boise Dingers’ for dinner and the BYU/BSU game. It was a fun night with John’s family.  We don’t get to see James and Shelly and there kids much and  I think all the kids enjoyed their time playing with cousins and I enjoyed chatting with Shelly.

John and Ainsley joined my gym last week. Ainsley wanted a way to work out now that swim is over and axiom has a lap pool.  And John just wants to try to get in shape.  Hopefully they’ll love it… but if not at least they signed up with no contract or commitment!

Somehow our Sundays are rarely days of rest.  For example, yesterday started with a presidency meeting for me, John was on call so he had to leave and work for a bit, I had to put finishing touches on my sharing time and work on some primary stuff.  Then there was church.  Then we ran home to a fast grilled cheese and tomato soup dinner.  Then back to the church for tithing settlement and YW in excellence. And I’d say that was a fairly typical Sunday.  I’m ready for a lighter load and two hour church!  I’m anxiously awaiting the extra time at home for family study!

As far as YW in excellence goes though, Ainsley has been working on a young women video as one of her projects that she showed last night.  She worked hard and had to get out of her shell and contact people to collect pictures.  The video turned out great!  Sadly when she played it at that night the music kept skipping.  I made John step in and help her.  When all was said and done once the first song was over the rest of the video was great.  And most importantly the girls all loved seeing the pictures from all of their activities last year.  So well done Ainsley!

Random tidbits for the week….Emmie learned how to whistle. Which she was so proud of that she tried to whistle to the hymns during sacrament meeting.  It sounded a little weird. And Owen is teaching himself the guitar.  I’m not sure how it started.  But it’s not uncommon for Owen to get on random kicks.  And it looks as though this might be his newest one.  I’m thrilled about it because I’d rather him spend his time playing guitar than playing video games!

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