When I first looked at it, I couldn't help but be reminded that I currently have a mini Ainsley running around my house. And then I started thinking back to when Ains was two. It seems forever ago. John was still in law school. We lived in 3 places that year. Our apartment in Holladay, John's parents, and finally into our apartment in Boise. It was a crazy year. I was pregnant with Owen, and everything just seemed so unsure. John was interviewing for jobs that year. He flew to Arizona and California. Resumes seemed to be going all over the country. At the time I was a mom with time on my hands. No offence to stay at home mom's with only one kid, but my biggest problem at the time seemed to be boredom. Sometimes I miss the slower pace where my schedule revolved around one child.
And yet somehow I didn't enjoy her at the time as much as I should have. I think that 99% of mom's would say the same thing about their first child though. My guess is that's it's due to the fact that you have no idea what you're doing or what to expect. Then #2 comes a long and you relax a little, but are usually thrown a whole new bundle of trials. And then by the time #3 comes along, you realize that there is no normal, and it's best to have no expectations, so things go a little more smoothly.
I always say hindsight is 20/20 (because I like to think I coined the phrase). But really when I look back I wish I would have slowed down and enjoyed the journey a little more instead of always worrying about what was coming. And yet I find myself doing that today. Often looking forward to the next thing.
So my goal for the day (notice I didn't say month because that would be crazy talk) is to slow down and enjoy. Because it won't be much longer before I'm looking back at my little Emmie wondering where the days went.
That's a lot of thought because of one picture 'eh?
1 comment:
When saw this picture I thought it was Emmie and I had to reread that you were writing about Ainsley. They look so much alike.
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