But, this is how I will spend my time today.
First up....Emmie.
This little girl is so stinkin cute it kills me. She is talking like crazy and putting together sentences. Unfortunately for her she is a poor annunciator, and therefore noone understands her. Except me. And a lot of her words are the same. My favorite words of her are definately, Owen: Owey, ya: ya, I do it myself: i-doe-dee-dee, and when she belts out HELLO!, or BUH-BYE! Everyone that knows her fully appreciates her greetings because they're hilarious and she says them over and over with such enthusiam.
She also will stop what ever she's doing and yell "uh-oh" whenever a phone rings or someone knocks on the door. And she always repeats the beep on the microwave and oven, so we're sure to know they went off.
Here she is pointing out the airplane she spotted. She's always sure to let us know about nearby aircrafts. With a loud, "Ayeeee" or "hedepdopdopdop". And we are grateful for her services.
She is also really into the doll house lately. She loves the little babies and will bounce them and say, shhhh, and then put them in their little crib. On this particular day she lined up all the pe0ple and then did a crazy dance for them. (no pics of the dance, sorry).
She's also very helpful. Here is the basil she picked from the garden for us to put into our oatmeal chocolate chip cookies. She's become familiar enough with gathering basil from our garden at dinner time, because our basil plants are out of control this year, and now just likes to add a little to random meals. I just think it's funny because I will have no idea where she is and then suddenly I'll turn and Emmie will be at my side standing on a chair with a little pile of basil in front of her.
Next up......Owen
Our poor middle child and only boy. He is loving kindergarten. I love that he has something to do everyday. He needs it. Although his days there haven't all been peachy-keen. I got a note sent home one day for being in a little fight. But he wasn't really punished because his teacher pulled me asside and tole me she had to give it to him because he fought back, but he had been attacked. So what's a kid to do? I guess I'd rather him be a kid that will fight back than a kid that just sits and takes it. Maybe. Ask me for my official take on that in 10 year.
I also got to go on a field trip with Owen last week. It ended up being more traumatizing than fun however because the moment we got there I witnessed him and a little girl kiss. On the lips. If I'm honest, I'm still traumatized. He now has a no touching rule at school. I'm not sure how to enforce it however. And last but not least......Ainsley
Some days I seriously wonder how this child came from my genes, or John's for that matter. I'd worry there was a mix up at the hospital except she an Emmie are twins born 5 years apart. And the chances that I was given 2 wrong children is slim to none.
I was almost brought to tears last night when her primary teacher called to say thank you for a treat we had left on her porch. She told me about how amazing Ainsley is. Which I already knew. But she also told me how she had been a little teary during her lesson that day while teaching about eternal families and telling about her mother that died when she was 13. She told me that she could see the concern and saddness on Ainsley's face as she told the story. After the lesson Ains went up to her teacher and took her hand and said, "That was an amazing lesson." And she was sincere. Apparently Ainsley always makes a point of telling her teachers thank you for the lesson and what a good job they did.
I have so much to learn from Ainsley. She is truly an amazing person. Even this morning when Emmie was throwing a tantrum and I was doing my best to ignore her as I was getting everyone ready for school, Ains sat down with her and sang her favorite songs, like Itsy Bitsy Spider. It calmed her right down and the morning calmed down because of it.
Ains is the cutest, sweetest kid I know!! The basil stories crack me up. And I never, ever want my kids to go to school. I would be traumatized if I saw my baby kiss someone on the lips too!
I've always known Ains is like that.
Your kids are so cute.
Kiss on the lips!! Oh. My. Word. I would die.
I wish I had Ainsley at my house to help with Ashlyn. She sounds like a great big sister!
I will admit that Davis and his best girlfriend kissed on the lips a few days ago. I try not to think about it. Ainsley's hair is so thick and pretty -- I want it!
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