Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Sibling love

Anyone that has spent more than 5 minutes with Owen knows he can be a bit of a handful.  Okay, more than a handful.  The kid is a real struggle at times.  I've yet to meet (and I've had other people agree with my findings) a more independent, headstrong child anywhere.  Ever.  Along with this he seems to lack empathy, compassion, and a sense of responsibility, especially for his actions.  For example, yesterday he hit me, but it was my fault because I wouldn't let him have a flavor pac.  After much conversation he still couldn't comprehend how this was his choice and not forced upon him by my actions.  Most of the time I worry and fret when I think of Owen and what lies ahead for him.  I fear that he might lead a hard life. 

And then I'll get a glimpse of the kind of person he can be.  Granted these glimpses are usually demonstrated when he is getting his way.  But they do occur. And they give me hope.  I love that even though they fight a lot, Emmie still has a love of her older brother.  He can drive her crazy, and make her laugh all at the same time.  She often spends her mornings with him (this may or may not have something to do with the fact that they are both early birds...).  When I catch little moments like these it warms my heart, and makes me think that things might actually turn out okay.


EJ said...

Oh my gosh, I thought that was Ains! I'm so excited to see your kids. And I'm sorry Owen is so difficult; I feel that way about Ash sometimes too.

shellydinger said...

This makes me feel so much better about Beckett. I've seriously thought something was mentally wrong with my son. Maybe I just need to be around other little boys.

Alene said...

I noticed that about Owen--no matter if Emmie rolled on him while he was playing his video games(so he lost)or messed up his room, or whatever else she could come up with to bug him, he never got mad at her.

Sheri said...

I have an Owen too, but his name is Bryce... in some ways he gets easier as he gets older, but in some ways not. Hang in there.