It all started over a year ago when Ainsley was with some of her cousins that had their very own I-touches. She drooled over them and wanted one for her own. This started a very long process for her. Ainsley has been working and saving her money for over a year now. At one point she asked if she worked hard and saved half of the money if we would give her the other half so she could buy one for herself. Being the loving parents that we are, we kindly told her, "No Way!" We did keep our eye out for deals for her though. And after a year of saving every penny she earned, a deal came along and she handed over more than $70 for her I-touch. That's a lot of money for an 8 year old! Way to go Ains! Now she can start saving for accessories :)
This Saturday’s Recipes by The Pioneer Woman
4 years ago
That is awesome! I can't decided if it is more amazing that she saved up all of the $$ on her own, or that she never changed her mind and bought something different.
Way to go Ainsley! Very impressive. Both my girls are "saving" for ipads, themselves. They may have the money in 20 years, if they can stop blowing it on candy. :)
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