Ainsley and Bria put on a princess camp in order to make some money this summer. They spent weeks planning, making crafts, making and delivering flyers, and gathering supplies. Which, in case you were wondering, means that their mothers were also spending weeks doing the exact same things. They had their first week of princess camp the beginning of June at our house for the little girls in our neighborhood and they will hold a second session next week at Bria's house for little girls in her neighborhood.
We felt well prepared the first day. And we all quickly learned that we had our work cut out for us. The girls did the majority of the work but I was still worn out from it all. Their camp lasted for 5 days, and for 2 hours a day. Each day featured a different princess with snacks and activities to go along with the themes. They made glass slippers, painted Olaf, sang songs, read stories, played in the water, ate snow cones, decorated crowns, had a photo booth, made and decorated sugar cookies, made fruit kabob wands, and did a million other things.
We had 7 girls at our house and I was impressed with how well it all went. Some days went better than others, but overall it was a success. The girls all seemed happy. Their parents all seemed happy. Ains and Bria each made $58 after paying for their supplies. My house was sufficiently dirty and we were all sufficiently tired by the end of the week. Now on to round two!!!
This Saturday’s Recipes by The Pioneer Woman
4 years ago
What a cool idea!
What a fun idea!
Super fun!
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