Wednesday, October 29, 2008

I'm a blogger

I've recently given facebook another try, thanks to a friend from my ward informing me that I was missing out. I had signed up over a year ago when I received friend requests, and then I guess I really didn't get it, so I quit. I was convinced that there was something I was missing...there had to be something great about facebook to draw so many people to it.

I decided that this time I would give it a more whole-hearted try. After playing around on facebook for a while over the past couple of days I have come to a conclusion. The same conclusion. I still don't really get facebook. I guess I'm a blogger at heart. Blogs have been and will continue to be my choice for time wasting (not that reading about all of your lives, or writing about mine is a waste of time...but some days I get consumed. Like yesterday when I spent all afternoon reading this blog. THE WHOLE THING. I was totally consumed in her love story. Go read it. Start from the beginning. DO NOT read her last post. Read it in order. Okay, enough about that.) I think I will keep checking facebook so as not to be a total facebook loser, but in my heart, I'm a blogger.


Elizabeth said...

Thanks for sending me to that blog. I totally wasted two hours too. At work... :)

shellydinger said...

Jessica I love you! I had the EXACT conversation with James about facebook yesterday. Except for I said "I hate facebook" a million times. Seriously, how do you quit it? I want to cancel my account that I started for the exact same reason about a year ago. I just don't get it, and I am so glad that I am not the only one.

Dinger said...

For three days I have tried to understand why people love facebook. I too am a blogger at heart! I'm glad I'm not the only one. :)

SD and EJ said...

I'm with you guys. The only reason I ever go on facebook is to see what people's blog addresses are. And I actually feel kind of stupid every time I log in to it.