Monday, March 16, 2009

I forgot

I forgot how hard the first trimester can be. I wasn't this sick when I was pregnant with Owen, so it's been a while since I had to deal with the constant nausea. I hate eating every hour. I hate trying to figure out something to eat that doesn't sound disgusting. I can't even think about eating healthy right now, it's simply a matter of getting food down. I hate how much more money we spend on food, because I never know what I can eat until the moment arrives, so it is not uncommon for John to have to stop and get something after work, whether it be ingredients or Pizza Hut, or burgers. Yes, pregnancy is fun. I already get heartburn! Explain that one to me!

My sniffer is highly overactive. Things that I never even realized had a smell suddenly stink. The inside of my washer, my pantry, and my children are all smelly now. I think I managed to be up and dressed before noon 2 times last week (John was home helping both of those days). Breakfast dishes sit on the table all morning. The kids are poorly dressed and even more poorly fed. The poor kids have to eat whatever I can stomach making more mac and cheese for Owen. Errands aren't getting run, chores aren't getting done, and it's driving me crazy, but not enough to do anything about it. I can't wait to be done with this. Thank heavens I'm not sick for more than the first trimester...I don't think I could handle it. (This was uplifting wasn't it!)

If I had to guess boy or girl at this point based on how I feel I would have to say girl....


Kohl said...

I am so glad to be past that point. I think the first trimester is the worst. I had heartburn with both my boys for the whole pregnancy. I got pretty sick of Tums. Just remember that the second trimester is much better! Hope you start feeling better soon!

shellydinger said...

I had heartburn from week 8 and on with Hailey. Barely any with Beckett - maybe that does mean it'll be a girl! I am so sorry about the food situation - that is the worst ever! I had taco bell's menu memorized. Good luck!

SD and EJ said...

I remember a couple of days during my first trimester, seriously the only thing I didn't throw up was ice cream. So that's all I ate all day long. Luckily, that was only a couple days though. If it makes you feel any better, I do feel sorry for you. A lot of things about pregnancy are not fun.

Aimee said...

UGH! I am so sorry! I hate all of that too. I remember when Tyson would come and hug me, when I was prego w Macie, and I would hold my breath!

I hope you start feeling better soon....and I have to say, reading this, doesn't make me "excited" to get pregnant myself!

mama donk aubri jo said...

uhghgh seriously it is the worst to be sicky and the smells, blah! I hope it goes by quick for you, and no worries, since Gavin I am rarely dressed before noon :) I think it is a 3rd child thing.

Anonymous said...

I still can't eat spinach and hamburger in the same meal, and that is a memory from 24 years ago! It's worth it in the end, though.

Dinger said...

Oh Jess! I am soooo sorry, I was just asking Dan if John had mentioned how you were surviving the first trimester. I am just a phone call away, I would be happy to help out. I too still can't handle Arby-Q's to this day!!! It's a wonder how this world is so populated. . .if we all could remember just how hard pregnancy is!!!