Sunday, August 2, 2009

When I grow up...

Owen has been saying for a while now that when he grows up he wants to be a "vafire" (vampire). Yesterday he had an encounter with a kitty that had scared him in the past. There weren't tears shed this time. But as we were driving home Owen was excitedly telling us then when he grows up he'll be a "vafire" get big boy tennis shoes, run really fast, get a gun, and some bullets, and fight the kitty. And run really fast. He kept repeating different parts over and over and I couldn't help but laugh. He got a little scary when he said he would shoot the kitty...John and I tried to explain that he didn't need to shoot the kitty, that wouldn't be nice, he could just chase the kitty to scare it away.

I don't know whether to be glad that Owen had a moment of empowerment over the kitty, or worried that his life's ambition is to be a vampire who wears big boy tennis shoes and fights kittys.


EJ said...

That kid is hilarious. I find it kind of disturbing that vampires are so popular with little kids; vampires are actually quite creepy. We're loving having Ains here!

shellydinger said...

I love the weird things that kids say. Especially when you have no idea where they got it from.