Thursday, September 3, 2009

I'm throwing in the towel.

Despite my best efforts to make this pregnancy my best aching body is winning.

I have officially (temporarily) canceled my gym membership. I went from being a regular worker outer to being a slacker worker why pay for it and add to my guilt right? I think my low iron levels, pulled muscle in my stomach, and the sheer size of my current self, have made me too tired and too sore, so I gave up! I'm still not sure how I pulled a muscle in my stomach while walking, but I did, and the doctor told me it most likely wouldn't heal until after delivery. So I'll walk Ains to school for a bit of exercise, which as sad as it is, is enough to make me sweat like crazy! Seriously, by the time I got home from my 30 minute walk this morning I was dripping sweat and my stomach ached so much I had to rest for another 30 minutes before I could drag myself off the couch. Eight more weeks of this...8! Okay, I actually have nine if I'm honest with myself and plan on being late...bummer. And for the record, my morning sickness has yet to completely go away. I long for the day I can wait to eat because I'm hungry and not because I feel sick. Have I mentioned I love pregnancy?!


SD and EJ said...

Yuck. I'm sorry. Pregnancy is so not fun. And a pulled stomach in your muscle sounds really painful when you're not pregnant. I can't even imagine it when you are. Just rest as much as you need to and make John do stuff for you.

Alene said...

I had one of those pulled stomach muscles in one of my pregnancies--they hurt like heck!!! The Dr. is right--it won't get better until you deliver. Quit worrying about exercising--you'll have plenty of time later.

Dinger said...

Hang in their girl, it will be a very distant memory in years to come when you are back to your skinny, healthy self, and your kids are all grown. I know it's easier said then done, but let John do all the work, and enjoy these few more weeks of being allowed to be "lazy"!! (I use "lazy" lightly, because, let's face it, motherhood is never restful!!)

Sam and Bria said...

I'am with you. I stopped working out at five months with this one. Your lucky you are due two weeks earlier than me. I'm soooo done with being pregnant.

Dancing Queen said...

Sorry to hear about your pregnancy woes. That's good you even walk Ains to school. I stopped exercising sometime last fall. (I used to get at least a mile walk/jog in). I stopped walking Angel to school, and copped out by having him walk with a neighbor.

Anonymous said...

Oooh, pulled muscle in your stomach!!?? That just sounds AWFUL! I'm impressed that you are doing anything at all, seriously! When I am as pregnant as you are now, I do nothing......except grow a baby I guess. :) There will be time for excersising later.
