Friday, January 25, 2013

Happy Birthday Ainsely!

Ainsley is now officially nine years old.  It has been a little weird watching slowly transition into 'tween-dom' and not wanting to be little kid anymore.  I'm having a hard time with watching her deal with what were awkward situations for me as kid.  I love wathing who she is becoming though.  She is silly and weird just like I was (which may or may not be a good thing!)  She devours books and is rediculously smart.  She is naturally good natured and a perfect oldest child.  She is obedient child....sometimes almost too obedient.  I may be the only parent in the history of the world to encourage her child to be a little more devious, but it might be the only way she will be able to keep up with Owen's shenanigans.  She is beautiful and fun and loved by many, inside our family and out.  I get comments from people all the time about how much they love Ainsley, and it makes me smile.

She got to have a friend birthday this year so we had a pool party in January.  We bedazzled flip-flops and then headed to the YMCA to go swimming.  Then we came home for her ice cream cake and presents.  It was the easiest friend party I've ever done.  I'm now sold on the idea of going to do something for a friend party rather than trying to do the whole thing at home!  She and her friends had a blast, it was a fun afternoon.

Her actual birthday was on Sunday.  Family came over in the eveing for her second birthday cake and to open presents with her. 

 I'm glad we had such a good time Saturday because if I'm being honest her actual birthday was a bit of a bust.  She got to go to church, eat her requested french dip sandwiches (which were delicious I might add), watch a movie we had DVR'd, and then we had a family night of fighting and Owen being a pest.  I think everyone went to bed a little angry that night.  Poor Ains.


SD and EJ said...

What?! How is Ainsley nine years old? Crazy. Ainsley is one of my favorites!

shellydinger said...

9-years-old is a tween?! That makes me nervous. I love Ainsley, and I love Emmie sitting on the counter. I got a good laugh out of that picture.

Merel said...

Happy Birthday Ainsley! looks like you had a fun day! hope all is well. miss you!! Big kiss Merel

Kohl said...

Can we trade 9 year olds? or maybe Ainsley could teach Gavin about obedience. Can you believe we have kids that old? We are old. :)