Monday, December 16, 2013

Visit with Santa

There is a new shopping area by our house called The Village.  It's a trendy place with a lot of cool things inside.  There is a water fountain that dances to music every hour (think Bellagio, but about 1/4 the size), outdoor fires, ice skating rink, etc.  And this year they also had a special house for Santa.  We chose to go on a night that was FREEZING. I think it was 11 degrees outside.  And it was windy.  We were chilled to the bone.  But we got our list to it was worth it right?!
Emmie declared that she wanted a teddy bear.
Ains told him that she wanted girl legos.
And Owen asked for a rubic's cube. 
I wonder if Santa will deliver?


shellydinger said...

I've heard so much about that place. I can't wait to see it in person. (and I love Santas with real beards)

alene said...

Those are all pretty modest requests.

EJ said...

Awesome requests (because they are totally doable and not super expensive)!
Your kids are adorable and that Santa is awesome.