I've been living in panic mode for a week now. Last Monday when I picked up Emmie from a playdate with her friends the mother informed me that her daughter had lice. I panicked. And then she told me that she was planning on treating the lice that night. I panicked more. Then she told me that her daughter had been given lice by her son. Who she suspected had had lice for nearly a month. Then I thought about how Owen was in this son's class at school and had been there playing a few days prior. And then my panic reached crazy high levels.
The thought of lice in my kids hair has got to be up there on my list of worst nightmares! While I'm still not sure what my friend was thinking in having a playdate at her house with lice running rampant, I will say that I know she had had a terrible and stressful week. Maybe she just wasn't thinking clearly...
But needless to say. I have still been a little on edge all week. I have spent the last 7 days checking heads of hair, freezing backpacks and jackets, and using smelly lice deterent shampoo. All in an effort to dodge the lice.
So far I've been successful. But I still worry that we're not completely in the clear.
I think I reached my highest level of panic when I found this in Emmie's hair one morning. My sister has recently had a run in with lice in her girls hair. So I immediately called her and txted her this picture.
And then when I still felt that she needed to get a better look at it I took it to her house. We determined that it was a booger. That's right. I went to my sister's house and made her look at Emmie's booger. Gross!!
I might be a little bit crazy...
I will be glad when I have determined that we are no longer in any danger of getting lice. And I'm sure my head will stop itching as well.