Saturday, October 20, 2012


I ran a half marathon while I was in college.  It has been over 10 years and I haven't run a race since.  While never want to run another half marathon, I've wanted to run more...shorter...races. With a little bit of coaxing I convinced a friend to run a 5k with me.  It was just a small race at a new park right next to my house.  I think the nice/safe thing about 5k's is that most people could complete one without too much effort. The only training I did was doing a long run at least once a week.  I ran 4 miles a couple of times and so I wasn't too worried about this race.  I'm a REALLY slow runner though.  I run at the pace of a turtle.  So I was happy that my official time was 28:20.  Anything under a 10 minute mile is great for me!
The last stretch. I'm obviously a bit tired.  Probably because I ran so freakishly fast!
And now a happy shot, happy because we're done!  Now I have my eye set on a 10K this spring.  We'll see.  That one would take some training effort on my part.  Anyone want to join me?
They had a fun run following the 5k for the kids.  They got to run about 3/4 of a mile. Kort and Dan came so that Bria and Bailey could compete in the event.
 I love this picture of them finishing.
I especially love that they told us that they stopped half way through their run when they were offered water at the water station.  I can just picture them stopping and drinking for a couple minutes. And that makes me smile.

I also love that they all got medals and Owen wore his all day.  Literally.  Afterwards of course there were plenty of bounce houses and games.  It was a fun morning.
I was kind of bummed that John had to work and missed the day with us, but I was happy that my parents were able to come and have fun with the kids and I.  And I think my dad did an awesome job getting the action shots.  Stellar photography Dad!


shellydinger said...

I have heard so much about that new park. It look awesome. Way to be a good citizen! ;) and you look great.

KT said...

Good Job Jess! I am super impressed! One mile kills me, so I think if I tried that I might just die on the road. Good work! :)

SD and EJ said...

You're awesome, Jess! Your time is WAY impressive. I ran a few 5K's at BYU and I'm pretty sure my fastest time was 45 minutes. I would so run the 10K with you if I lived closer.

lisa said...

Glad you did so good on your run sat!! I would be willing to run in the spring with you for a 10k (is that 5 0r 6 miles?) maybe that would motivate me at the gym to train all winter long :)

Kohl said...

Awesome! I ran a 5k with my kids last month and I totally thought about our trip to Moab too! I think I am a better runner now than in college. Funny. How about you?

Elizabeth said...

Remember that time I convinced u to run a half marathon and then I only did a 5-mile walk? Yeah, me too.

jessica said...

Steph, just come for a trip to Boise and run! It would be fun! I don't know shauna, I really don't like running. I just have a memory of liking being in shape and being able to run far! And Liz, I totally remember that race ;) ...and you not running it :) If Angelee hadn't stuck it out with me there is a chance we would still not be on speaking terms today :)