Thursday, December 20, 2012

A Family First

Some friends invited us to go Ice skating last night.  I was reluctant at first because I didn't feel up to it, and it was a school night, and John didn't want to go.  But with a bit of persuasion I changed my mind, and then I changed John's mind for him.  :)  And Syd happened to be at my house through all of this, so she came to.  We headed to the rink because it was family night so we were all going to get in for a discount.  We were pleasantly surprised when we showed up and a bank had sponsored the rink for the night so it was free!  And there was free hot chocolate!  It was super busy, but it was a good trial run for the kids.
Despite the above picture of Owen on the ice, the kids actually did really well.  I was impressed!  Ains and Owen gained confidence as the night went on.

 Emmie was a different story.  She showed little to no improvement all night long.  I took her around the rink a few times.  She just kind of kicked her little skates around while I carried her.  My forearms were killing me.  But I'd say she had a fair amount of fun.  Although I think she was most interested in the hot chocolate.
John was the only one not to fall all night long.  I blame Emmie for my fall, she tripped me and we both went down.  Ains only went down twice (once she got knocked over by a boy) and Owen fell about a million times but it didn't phase him at all. 

We were all smiles on the way home.  Even if Syd's smile borderlines on creepy :)
I'm glad I changed John's mind for him, it was a great night as a family.  Something I definitely want to do again, even if we have to pay next time!


SD and EJ said...

That's impressive that John never fell and that you only fell because of Emmie. I am the worst, worst ice skater in the world and never have fun because I fall every five seconds. I should probably take my kids sometime, though. Maybe next year. I'm glad you had fun!

shellydinger said...

Hey, where are the helmets and walkers for the kids? I need your adventurous spirit - because ice + kids + crowds just sound scary and to me. Well done!

Alene said...

I'm impressed with John too.