Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Memorial Day Family Adventure

For Memorial Day we headed out on another adventure even though it was a Monday.  We decided to hike Table Rock (literally a large rock that is near down town Boise with a cross on it.  So that people know that people in Boise are Christian I guess?)  We stopped at a park at the base for some lunch first and Emmie got these awesome shots....

This one is my favorite because she managed to get a shot of everyone looking.... um....not their best.
The we assumed hiking position and headed up the mountain.  Probably technically a hill. But we'll call it a mountain for our pride's sake.  Shortly after this picture Ainsley fell to the back of the pack.  A 4 year old beat her to the top.  My goal this summer is to toughen up my daughter!
At the top they had cool caves that the kids had fun climbing around.  Ains still wasn't too happy though. 

As demonstrated in the following pictures a grand time was had at the top.


Emmie took this lovely picture of John and I.  You can see part of the large cross in the background.

1 comment:

shellydinger said...

I have never actually been to table rock. It looks fun. Love John's shirt and Emmie's silly face.