Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Talent Show

It always amazes me that I have children that enjoy performing in talent shows.  Because I'm pretty sure I avoided that like the plague when I was a child.  At our elementary school the last day of school is all about the talent show.  What is amazing though is that the show is put together with very little parent involvement.  The parents never hear a thing about the upcoming show.  The principal announces it at school, the kids try out during recess (I'm not sure if anyone doesn't make it) and therefore we have some interesting acts.  My favorite this year was a girl singing a slower song while her friend danced gangnam style. 

Owen this year chose to jump rope.  The kids have been going to a jump rope club in the mornings for a few months now and Owen has actually gotten pretty good.  There were several jump rope acts (thank you jump rope club)  but I can honestly say that Owen was the best of the bunch...of the k-2 talent show, that is!  He got lots of cheers and did awesome.  The only glitch was when they used the full version of the 1D song he had chosen instead of the 45 second clip we had sent in.  He got to the end of his routine and the music just kept going and going and going.  I eventually got up and signaled the music people to just go ahead and turn it off.  The poor kid was exhausted!  He did great though!  He's got some mad jumping skilz.

Ainsley and her friends decided to dance to Miley Cyrus's Hoe down Throw Down.  Again, a stellar performance.  They never practiced outside of recess, which means they never practiced with the music actually on, and yet they all knew the steps to the entire song. Pretty impressive!

The rest of the day was full of parties and friends.  I spent most of my day at the school and we had friends over that night with pizza and home made ice cream.  And we all stayed up way too late, as you should on the last day of school.

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