Tuesday, August 13, 2013

A Little Break for the Moms and Dads

I'll start this post by telling you about and incident that occurred about 6 1/2 years ago.  John was walking in the foyer at church with baby Owen.  While he was there he happened to started talking to a guy sitting our in the foyer as well.  We'll call him Jake McCarney, which happens to be his actual name.  That day Jake invited our family over to his house that evening for scones.  Little did he know he was starting a long lasting tradition.  John told me about this on our way home from church.  I freaked out...mostly because I was nervous.  I don't like meeting new people.  I remember being nervous about what to bring.  This is comical to me know that I know Jake's wife Katie...there should have been no pressure.  Over the years we got together for many Sunday dinner's and bbq's and outings with the McCarneys and the Oakes families.  Always rotating houses, always fun.  We have added 3 children to the group since our initial get together years ago. 

This spring everyone was at our house and we started talking about how we needed to get together with the adults.  An adult date night didn't occur to us.  We went bigger than that.  We went straight to, we need to go on a vacation together!  So Jake used a hook-up in McCall and we rented a cabin and planned our little weekend getaway.  It was as wonderful as I thought it would be.  There was never a dull moment, never a plan, never a child to worry about, and not very much sleep.  I think we might need to make this an annual tradition!

Please enjoy our engagement photos taken on a random river we discovered while bike riding.  It was begging to be climbed and photographed.

We went to some cliffs on the edge of the lake and watched the cliff jumpers. Cliff jumpers are braver than I ever intend to be. 
We celebrated Katie's birthday.
We spent hours on the beach.  And even more hours bike riding.  But it's hard to take pictures while riding a bike, so you'll just have to imagine that in your heads. 


KT said...

Aw, that sounds awesome! Lucky! :)

shellydinger said...

This is incredible! Honestly, I hope to have friends like that one day. What an amazing thing to do. (and everyone looks so cute)