Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Welch Family Weekend *part 1

It has become a tradition in my family that one weekend a summer we get together and pack it full of family fun.  This summer we all got together last weekend for our weekend o' fun! 
We always start on Friday afternoon with swimming, a BBQ, and a movie in the back yard.  We spent hours in the pool. Most of those hours were spent playing the game I like to call "launch the children." In fact I'd say the bulk of the time in the pool for the last few summers has been spent playing this game.  Owen is a great little launchee and flies across the pool at various heights and lengths while preforming various tricks.   
 Emmie spends her time on the stairs playing games like "hair."  She waits until she finds an unsuspecting victim and then does their hair for a very long time.  She loves it....everyone else....not so much.
 Then we eat and set up the big screen and eat some more while we watch a movie.  Usually it's an old classic.  This year it was Brave. I think the kids liked it better this year. Owen asked if we had to watch a black an white movie or if it was in color.  He was not interested in a black and white movie.

The kids sleep over on the pool chairs and the adults go home and we all go to bed tired and then wake up the next morning for another full day of fun!


EJ said...

This is why I wish all my siblings lived by me!! So, so fun!

shellydinger said...

That looks fantastic! What a beautiful backyard.