Wednesday, January 22, 2014


We celebrated Ainsley's 10th birthday on Monday.  I can't believe she's been with us for a decade!  I think she had a pretty good day.  She got phone calls from her Grandma Dinger and her Aunt Sydney.  We went bowling at Big Al's and played in the arcade with family. 


And she got taken out all morning by my mom for manicures and to pick out a gift.  She chose roller blades and she's really excited about them! We had her taken out all morning so that we could get her gift ready.  We redid/finally finished her room for her birthday.  We added curtains, poof balls, pillows, knobs on her dresser and some things on her wall.  It was nice that she was gone for a few hours because it took us that long to get it done!

And since she turned 10 it seems appropriate to list the 10 most awesome things about Ainsley!

1.  She's kind
2.  She's super smart
3.  She's a great big sister
4.  She's a great friend
5.  She's silly
6.  She's gorgeous
7.  She's not afraid to try anything
8.  She's creative
9.  Her imagination knows no bounds
10. She's amazing!


shellydinger said...

Happy Birthday Ainsley! She really is super kind. Did she love her room? It looks like a great day.

EJ said...

Her room is so cute! I can't believe she's 10. I remember when she was a tiny little baby. What an awesome girl!