Thursday, January 16, 2014

3 Things

1. This little princess came to me crying yesterday because her pee smelled "so bad."  Crying.  Apparently it was so bad she couldn't even go back into flush it. 

2. This one won and art contest for the fire department.  About 3 months ago.  I forgot to blog about it.  But we're still super proud!!!
And to end the suspense.  I did in fact receive a new calling.  My fellow presidency members have not yet.  Am I slightly jealous?  Yes.  But I'm sure their time will come.  About 10 minutes after I was released I was called as the new Mia Maid advisor.  I was flattered when I was told that the current Mia Maid leader had been working on her own for 3 months patiently waiting for me.  Hopefully I do not disappoint.  My feelings now are of complete inadequacy and trepidation. 
I went to New Beginnings yesterday and felt soooo out of place! It feels weird to not be in charge and not really know what's going on.  Weird, but good!  I really am excited.  I know I'll learn to love it.  It's a little tough because I'm coming into an established group.  The current mia maids have been with their leader for years.  Hopefully I feel less like an outsider and more at home soon.  I was excited about the thought of going to girls camp to break some barriers, but then I was completely bummed to learn that girls camp is the exact week that we have a trip planned with John's family this summer.  How is it that they scheduled it for the one week I can't go!!!!????  So there you have it....Young Women's here I come.


Alene said...

You'll do great and the girls will love you!

shellydinger said...

I knew it! I think you are perfect for that calling. And don't be too hard on yourself - you did, in fact, put up a lovely post dedicated to Ainsley's award. (emmie = hilarious)

EJ said...

You'll be awesome in Young Women's! They'll love you, I'm sure. Emmie's story sounds exactly like something Ashlyn would say.

KT said...

Your girls are so cute. And congrats on the YW's calling. I've been in YW's in every single ward we've been in and it is my most favorite calling. I love it!!