Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Christmas 2014

Our Christmas this year was wonderful!  We spent a quiet night at home as a family on Christmas Eve for the first time ever.  We usually get together with family of some sort, but this year we decided to go it alone.  And while I love getting together with everyone, I loved just being with our little family too. 
This year our Christmas consisted of:
*Fancy dinner
*New Pj's
*A stellar Christmas program put on completely by the kids
*A Christmas power point (again, completely done by the kids)
*A restless night's sleep (especially for Owen...our resident non-sleeper)
*Lots of games (skip-bo, Clue, Battleship, Toystory)
*Movie making (the kids got a new ipad mini and have made some pretty cool videos)
*Lots of family (on Christmas Day)
*And lots of food!  We'll all be paying for that for a while I'm sure!



alene said...

What cute kids.

EJ said...

Your tree is so pretty! Emmie's words look awesome. And your kids are all super cute.