Friday, May 30, 2014

2 months of CRAZY!!!!

You may not recall, but when we moved into this house just over a year ago the kitchen looked like this...
And one of our bathrooms looked like this.... 
 We did a lot of work before we moved in but the plan was always to refinish the cabinets.  It took me a year to finally decide that I was ready to do it.  I started in March.  In March!!!!  Before Easter! We just finished on Tuesday night.  That is over 2 months of sanding and cleaning and staining.  It has been WAAAYYYY more time consuming than I thought it would be.  And I'm pretty sure we were way over budget as well.  We've been to Home Depot more times than I can count.  But we are finally done! 

I started in the bathrooms just to get a feel for the process.  I didn't want to start in the kitchen and have it turn out looking horrible.  It took me about a month to finish all three bathrooms and then probably about the same to complete the kitchen.  We got used to living with no cupboard doors and with tools, tape, stain, and random supplies everywhere.  My house has never been dirtier. 
 Our garage has been out of commission and full of cupboards and drawers for what seems like forever. 
 But look at what we have now!  I love it!  And I will never do this again.
 Isn't it gorgeous?  I can't wait to get some decorations in there!
 And now you can look forward to the posts of everything that was going on at the same time as this project.  I seriously don't know how we got everything done in the last month.


Alene said...

It IS pretty!

SD and EJ said...

It is gorgeous! I love that color of wood.

shellydinger said...

I'm amazed that you did it all on your own! It looks like a completely different kitchen. Absolutely beautiful.

shellydinger said...

I'm amazed that you did it all on your own! It looks like a completely different kitchen. Absolutely beautiful.

Kohl said...

It looks awesome! We are in the middle of painting our upstairs including all the doors. I totally understand the feeling of continued mess and projects. Glad you got yours done!

KT said...

That looks amazing! I totally love it! :)