I can't believe
Ainsley is 11. It just doesn't seem possible. To celebrate the completion of her 10th year of life she woke up and went to school. And then I took her out of school and we went to lunch. She chose Costa Vida. And then she went back to school. And then she came home from school and helped make her birthday cake. She did a great job! We all ate her favorite French Dip sandwiches for dinner and then we did a quick party with cake and ice cream and cousins. The party was short and sweet due to the impending early school morning facing us the next day. But I think she had a great time none the less! Ainsley is such a kind and loving person. She is beautiful, gorgeous actually, intelligent, and amazing. She is never one to cause drama among her friends and is always looking out for the underdog. We are so happy and grateful that we get to be her parents. It is truly a blessing.
Oh, and most importantly....Ainsley got a birthday card and chocolates from a boy. From a boy named Lane who has had a crush on her since the 1st grade. It kind of freaks me out a little when I see him casually waiting for her when I drop the kids off at school in the morning. I'm not sure how I feel about this so I guess I'll just leave it at that....
This Saturday’s Recipes by The Pioneer Woman
4 years ago
Hey . . .is that birthday card from the same skiing boy Lane? That's super cute.
Loved the party theme! And whose handwriting is on that cake? It looks amazing!
I was staring at the handwriting too....looks great and delicious too! :)
Your girls are both beautiful. I can't believe Ains is getting so old. I remember coming to your apartment when she was just a baby!
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