Thursday, January 28, 2010


Owen learned to tell jokes awhile ago, and since then they have turned into quite the conversation piece. He usually throws in a joke when he is trying to stall or change the subject.

For example, one morning he woke up WAY to early and John was trying to get him to go back to bed. He tried to distract us by saying, "Why did the dog cross the road?" He is then persistent until you say why. And then the answer comes, "because he saved the world."
The joke is always the same, and I hear it several times a day. Like when John or I are trying to get out the door he'll start screaming, "BUT WHY THE DOG CROSS THE ROAD????!!!"
Good thing he's stuck on such an awesome joke!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

I can't believe I forgot to post this!

A few weeks ago, at Emmie's 2 month check-up to be exact, the kids also got their flu shots. Where 2 funny things happened.

First----the nurse asked Ainsley if she would go first so that Owen would know what to expect and not be scared. Ains was a little hesitant but hopped up on the table anyways. The nurse told her to do her abc's while she got her poke. Ains was tough, and even though in pain, raced through the abc's and was near G in the time it took the nurse to get a needle in and out of her leg. After she was done she was fine. She hopped off the table and as Owen was about to take his turn she excitedly turned to Owen and said with a smile, "It totally hurts!!!!"

Second---After the shots I noticed that Owen had a little extra padding on his bum. Turns out it was because he was wearing 3 pairs of underwear! On days I don't give the kids a bath I just lay out a new pair of underwear for them to put on in the morning. Owen had been putting his on faithfully every morning...he'd just been forgetting to take the previous pair off!

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Too bad she wasn't born in the 80's

'Cause she's sporting an awesome rat tail!

Ains had an amazing mullet back in her day. My babies would have been totally cool 25 years ago.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

How we celebrated 6 years of life

This year was Ainsley's year for a family party so she got to choose a family activity. She chose miniature golf. We went to the only indoor miniature golf place here that just happened to be a black light place. We went on Monday since the kids were out of school and John would be able to join us that day. Kort brought her kids and my mom ended up coming too.

I think she had a good time even though she doesn't look like it at all!

On her actual birthday we had cake and ice cream with the cousins and grandparents.

The lovely cake...chocolate on chocolate was the request this year. With purple stars. I think she was a little disappointed that I added a few white ones, but she's nice so she would never say that.

Sadly the luggage I got Ains was a little overshadowed by her other awesome gifts. (I found some really cheap on line a while ago and so I got it for her, even though I knew it was super boring. But, hey, we needed luggage.)
Her most favorite gift was the awesome guitar from my parents. They were able to order one for her and got her a book to help teacher her. Apparently I'm the teacher...should be fun!
Notice the crown that she insisted on wearing covering her eyes so she could barely see. :)
She got lots of fun toys and presents. She asked for operation and a bike bell, and her parents came through there! I also got her a journal. I remember my first journal entry at Ainsley's was a picture of my house. She is starting to write stories and such, so I decided that it would be fun for her to be able to write about her days. It will also be fun for me to read...just kidding I would never do that, I don't think!

Interview with a 6 year old...

With my commentary of course!!!

What is your favorite color? Green
(I would have said purple...since that is what she always chooses.)

What is your favorite food? Sante Fe Chicken
( This is a chicken and rice crock pot dinner that is good...but nothing amazing. She chose this for her birthday dinner last year and I still can't figure out why she likes it so much. Based on what she eats the most of I would say that her favorite food is pizza or pancakes, but what do I know!? What is weird is that she chose Navajo tacos for dinner this year. Why she didn't choose her favorite is a mystery to me. I just laugh that on the one night a year she has complete control over dinner, she chooses such odd things. )

What is your favorite thing to do? Play with white baby
(She sleeps with white baby...but I can't remember the last time I saw her play with her. She mostly plays with her doll house and the wii.)

What do like most about yourself? I like that I'm cute and I'm nice.
(Very True!)

What is your favorite book? Princess stories
Who is your best friend? Kylie

What is your favorite thing to do at school? I like to make my penguin book and my fish book.

What is your favorite song? All My Bags are Packed
(aka Leaving on a Jet Plane)

What is your favorite thing to wear? My green shirt that I got for Christmas
(Maybe this is why her favorite color is green.)

What is your favorite movie? Beauty and the Beast
(Yet she never watches it :)

TV show? Jonas Brothers
(I would have guessed Wizards of Waverly place, since that is what she watches the most of!)

Happy 6th Birthday Ains!!!

Sunday, January 17, 2010

2 Months

This is a little late (like 8 days late, which is a long time when babies are concerned). But Emmie is now 2 months old. We had her appointment last week. She is now 10 lb 8 oz. and 24 inches long. Growing nicely I'd say! She has got to be one of the happiest and social babies I know. She just waits for someone to look at her and as soon as they do she has a big smile waiting for them. The nurse and doctor couldn't help but smile and talk to her instead of me as she cooed and smiled at them. The doctors prediction for Emmie is that she will always be tall and skinny because she is always moving. I'm still hoping she will be the calm member of our family. Emmie has been a joy to have in our home. I love how happy she is. It always makes my day when she smiles and talks to me, even when I'm exhausted. Because, even though she is amazingly happy, she is not an amazing sleeper. Hopefully time with fix that.
Our only concern for her at this point is the skin (membrane maybe) in her mouth (you know the one right above your 2 front teeth that is at the top of your gums...I'm really not describing this well). Well hers is really low. It comes all the way down to the bottom of her gums, like where her teeth will come in. The doctor said most likely she will fall at some point and it will split. And if that doesn't happen, it can be clipped if it ever interferes with her teeth or causes any problem. So, that might be a fun adventure one day...but we'll just let it go for now.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Moments of the day

I'm a real slacker blogger lately. I'm unhappy because there have been several things that have happened that I wanted to write down and remember...and I haven't. And now I'll probably forget. Somehow I have absolutely no time. Hopefully in the next year or so things will calm down a bit. are a few random things about today.

1. Ainsley's quote of the day. Said in family prayers, "Please bless the staple that was in Judea." (Yes, she calls the stable the staple. I don't want to correct her just yet, because I laugh a little every time she says it.

2. Owen made me a proud mother today when I walked by the primary room and he was sitting on the front row very still with his arms folded. That's my boy!!! Needless to say, church was much less eventful today.

3. All through sacrament meeting Owen kept asking when he got to go sit up on the stand. He is really looking forward to the primary program. I tried to explain that first he had to learn some songs and then he could go up. He informed me that he already knew some songs and that he would like to go up right now. Funny kid.

On a complete side note, I got a new calling today. I was released as provident living leader. There are parts of it that I will miss, but I am really excited about my new calling. Achievement Day leader. How awesome is that calling? Two days a month, fun activities with older girls, get to relax at church. I hope my dreams aren't shattered once I actually begin my new calling because right now it sounds pretty awesome.

But what it more awesome is all the drama that surrounded my release. I'd love to know the whole story, because I'm nosy. But, all I do know is that my release and call were not approved by the right people before it happened and there was some anger during sacrament meeting when it was announced. Interesting..... My guess is that once the counselor in the bishopric who is over me saw that Kortney was my sister last week at the blessing, he put the wheels in motion to get me released. Because he still dislikes her from their run-in with each other when they both worked at RC Willey. That, or he realized I was not the gung-ho food storage lady that he felt should be in my calling. Or I'm totally wrong, which I most likely am, but wouldn't that make for a good story?!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

A day I will never forget.

Doesn't she look beautiful?
Today was Emmie's blessing. And while my other children's blessing days have been a bit forgettable (not because they weren't special, but because I didn't write anything down and there are no specific memories I have of the actual occasions. But today was memorable...and all because of the craziness that happened at church.
There was a bit of stress from the moment we left for church. Emmie cried most of the way there because she was hungry and tired. We arrived at church a few minutes early, fed Emmie a bottle, and got her to sleep before the blessing. But right at the beginning of sacrament meeting Owen had to go potty. So John rushed him out while I sat worrying that he wouldn't make it back on time and I would be dealing with an awkward moment when the bishop invited us up to bless her. John did make it back in time, in just enough time to be spit up all over.

After that mild craziness, John gave Emmie a beautiful blessing. He did an amazing job and made me cry a little. He blessed her with kindness, discernment, the ability to take advice from those who cared for her, and a love of the scriptures. It really was a beautiful blessing.

From that point on Sacrament meeting took a strange turn. Our ward is usually pretty normal, but today the testimonies that were born were just plain weird. One was almost creepy weird. It just came out of no where. Seriously strange! At one point a visitor bearing his testimony told us about his time spent living in the wilderness where he encountered exposure, dehydration, and starvation. I'm pretty sure he hadn't been to church in about 40+years. Kudos to him for being there, but the sharing was a little different. (I'm waiting to be struck by lightening for judging a man who probably had felt the spirit and wanted to share but didn't know quite how...I'll stop criticizing now.)

After that we headed off to the remainder of church. We did this mostly because, being the first Sunday of the new year, it was Owen's first day of primary. He had been so excited to go so we stayed so he could go to sunbeams. John walked him back to the primary room, I walked by a few minutes later and Owen was crying because he didn't want to go. Totally didn't see that one coming. John stayed with him while I went to Sunday school with his family.

About 2 minutes after I sat down Emmie messed her diaper. So I took her to change her. To my utter dismay, when I pulled up her dress, the whole front of her was covered in poo! I couldn't believe it. I started working, tyring to carefully change her diaper. But by the time I was done there was poop all over the place. Her onesie and tights were covered, her slip was gross, and there was even a little on her lacy overlay. I did my best at scrubbing and changing while she was crying. Finally got her changed and then fed her on the small bench in the bathroom we were sitting in. I think I was in there for at least 30 minutes.

I came out and found John still dealing with a crying Owen outside the primary room. At that point I sent John off to young mens and tried to get Owen to go with his class. There were tears involved and on the way one of the primary workers took Emmie from me so I could convince Owen to to to class.

After my sneaky tricks, I finally got Owen to sit in the classroom, then I lied to him and told him I had to check on Emmie and I would be right back. ( I really had no intention of going back.) He stayed in class (and survived, but told us he was mean in class...I think he was grumpy the whole time and probably didn't participate at all.)

I then had to go and locate Emmie. I walked around the church and finally found her. Being ooh, and aahed over. And then I finally made it into Relief Society where John's mom was patiently waiting for me. What a day!!!

Maybe we should have tried to focus a little more on Owen today. I'm really hoping he likes primary better next week. I think I make the mistake of thinking Owen is the same as Ainsley. I never have to think about her dealing with new situations, things like that don't bother her. I forget that Owen is his own person and struggles a bit with new situations where he feels unsure.

And there you have it, our unforgettable day! A big day for Owen and Emmie!