Friday, September 2, 2011

What are your Labor Day plans?

Ours are very exciting. They involve making our fence look like someone actually lives in the house it surrounds. Hopefully it will go quickly. But there's a good chance that since we haven't stained the fence since we moved in 5 years ago there might be some surprises along the way. It took me 2 hours just to pick out a stain that matched. I never knew there were so many staining options available, or that it was so stinking expensive! Yeah for home ownership...It always seems to make you bleed money.


EJ said...

I still want to own a home.

Alene said...

I bet the biggest surprise will be that it takes more stain than you thought it would, especially since you haven't stained it in 5 years.

Anonymous said...

Ya, I agree with Alene - I bet that fence will soak the stain right up! How is it going today?? :)
