Yesterday was the last day of school. My favorite part about it was that Ainsley had such a better last day of school this year than last year! Months ago she mentioned that she wanted to be in the school talent show. So after months of little girl drama and planning the big day finally came. We saw a video of a friend of ours on facebook and totally copied their idea. The dance turned out really cute. The girls chose to dance to a combination of "Rock Party Anthem" and "Everybody Dance Now," (honestly I was surprised they even knew those songs!
The performed on the last day of school. We taped glowsticks to them and then sent them in the gym to perform for the k-2 students. They were the grand finale and it couldn't have gone any better. While they didn't display much actual talent, they were the stars of the show. When the lights went out they looked like little stick people. Seriously the crowd went wild and they got cheered more than any other act. I was truly a toddlers in tiara's mom momentarily because I was just so happy for Ains. She was so cute and even after the performance her personality shined as she gave a cute little smile and wave to the crowd.
I loved seeing how well liked she was too. After they danced so many kids came up to her and told her how awesome she was. It just made me see how liked she was and it made me happy. Maybe that's lame, but it made my day to see her in that moment.
I think the kids all had a great day, despite the fact that it was cold and rainy. I took Owen to McDonalds to eat lunch and play with his kindergarten friends. They played for hours. Then we went to Target, which is always a blast. Then we picked up Ainsley (who got to live a life of fame for the day) rented a movie and had a night full of fattening treats and TV. It was great.
And now we're gearing up for summer!!!
That dance is seriously cool!! Good job, Ains!
Amazing! I love that she was brave enough to want to do that. She looks so grown up and sassy with her hand on her hip!
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