Tuesday, October 9, 2012

A glimpse of our weekend.

Conference was actually a bit more successful for us this year.  Just a bit.  It could be in part due to the fact the my children are getting a little older.  But I like to think it was due to the fact that I copied this awesome "game" from my friend.  Owen and Ains actually sat and watched all of Sunday conference with only a small amount of fighting. 
Every time they heard one of the key words they got to choose a snack out of that bowl.  I learned that they say 'children' a lot in conference.  I had to take that bowl away after a while.  It was fun and no one bugged me for a snack all day!  Except for maybe Emmie who had no interest in the game.  Maybe next year.


Melanie said...

That is AWESOME, Jess! I hope I remember it 6 months from now... If there are snacks involved, I'm sure my kids would pay attention!

Alene said...

I think I'll try it on the grandkids that come over at conference time.

SD and EJ said...

I've seen this on pinterest. Such a good idea!