Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Sledding, but at what cost?

December 28th is my niece Bria's birthday.  Somehow we all thought that sledding on her birthday would be a fun idea.  We have had a bit of snow here and thought that surely there would be snow in the mountains.  Boy were we wrong!  A planned quick trip to the nearby mountains somehow turned into a day trip to McCall all in an effort t to find snow.  McCall actually had a measly amount of snow.  Just enough to sled on a mediocre hill!  So we drove 2 1/2 hours for 2 hours of sledding, lunch at the beloved "My Father's Place"  and a trip to the rock shop.  At least we weren't bored that day!

1 comment:

alene said...

We still have tons of snow.