It seems like everyday I have a battle going on in my head. A battle with food. It's getting old. I believe the battle started when I was in 5
th grade and I broke100 pounds. It was then that I realized I was overweight. I knew that I needed to be aware of what I ate, but food was my comfort. I liked food. I didn't want to give it up. And so the battle raged on, and I was losing. I continued to gain weight all through junior high and
high school. I tried random diets, played sports, etc., but the
weight never came off. I ate to much food for that to happen.
Then I went to college. I think it was at this point that I began to be the winner of the battle and not so down trodden. I was active, happy (for the most part :) and for the first time in my life food didn't control me. I
remember my grandma telling me once that whenever I let go of whatever it was I was holding on to, the weight would come off. I guess college did that for me. I went to college on my own. Moved into an apartment with complete strangers and somehow found myself. I broke out of my shell, found self confidence, and sure enough the weight began to come off. Not because I was dieting and trying to lose weight, but because food lost it's control over me. I wasn't consumed with thoughts of what I should eat, how much I should eat, what I shouldn't eat, how much I wanted to eat what I shouldn't eat. I ate when I was hungry, I listened to my body, and I ate treats without feeling regret. Things were going great...I thought.
Time went on, I got married and wasn't so active anymore. I probably gained a few pounds, but nothing significant. I still wasn't overweight. But it was at this point that the scale began to control me. I have a deep and real fear that someday I will be overweight again and I let that fear drive me. I now focus entirely too much on the food that should and should not go in my mouth and what the scale tells me instead of how I feel. I'm back on the losing side of the battle.
What intrigues me is that I weigh the same, if not a bit less than I did when I got married. I don't remember feeling fat when I got married. (Although I do remember wishing my thighs were thinner.) So why is it that I am so concerned with what the scale is telling me now. Although I look in the mirror and don't feel fat, I'm a perfectly healthy weight for my height (I'm not a stick by any means, but I never thought that was very attractive, curves are okay with me.) but I get on the scale and I have a yearning to be 10 pounds lighter. Why? Maybe it's because I have never been that thin before. Maybe that would mean reaching the unattainable goal. Maybe that would guarantee me that I would never revert to my "fat" days. I'm not sure why, but the battle is still real and raging in my head.
My goal is to end the battle. I want to get back to the time in my life when I listened to my body. When I let go of my obsession with food and weight and somehow managed to maintain a healthy lifestyle without really thinking about it. I don't want to start my day planning how much and what I will allow myself to eat that day. I'm not sure what it is I'm holding on to, but I need to find a way to let it go again.