For example:
(FYI this will be way too detailed for about 98% of the readers of this feel free to skip :)
John was out of town for a week and now 4 days later it seems like I still haven't seen him. He got home Thursday night and the minute he got home we were out the door. Literally. We loaded the kids in the car and headed to the open house at Ainsley's school. I left from there to go to my concert. Got home after John had gone to bed. Then on Friday the minute John got home from work we were off to a friends birthday party, where we didn't seem to spend too much time together (I guess we're just both really good at mingling).
Saturday we woke up early and I headed to out primary program practice. Then he and I shuffled and traded kids to try to have them both at soccer and the program practice simultaneously. We cleaned up the party, had a couple hours at home and then headed to Emmie's best friends first birthday. Technically they aren't best friends yet, but they will be!
We got to bed early in order to get up and to work early on Sunday. Sunday, a day of rest? Ya, right! We don't have church until 1:00 and I don't think I sat down for more than 2 minutes from the time that I got up to the time we left for church. Because I woke up and put together 100 bags of popcorn for the kids...but they turned out cute didn't they?
After a crazy day at church (the program and my sharing time went well) we headed over to my parents for my dad's birthday. 3 birthdays in one weekend!
And then we came home, put the kids to bed, and I started working on sharing time for next week. And today I've been either at Ainsley's school or watching kids since noon while trying simultaneously to start canning my salsa. I'm a wreck and babysitting until 6:00. But I'm managing to type this. So I guess technically I can handle more!
And there you have it.................more than you ever wanted to know about our weekend!
About your comment that you'll have more in 17 years: Don't count on it. It seems like I'm busier, and gone more now, and get far less done than when I had 7 kids running around. I thought I would have time for all the fun things I put off, but I don't. So do the fun things now and don't plan on having any more time than you have now. And, by the way, you have a lot more energy now than you will in 17 years, so pack as much stuff as you can into your hours and enjoy it all.
You are Super Woman! :)
That primary stuff is amazing! You're awesome. Some days I wish I was a little busier, but I'll probably regret saying that in a couple years.
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