Tuesday, October 1, 2013


My blog has been seriously lacking lately. Somehow as the kids get older my schedule get crazier and I have fewer and fewer bits of time to sit down and blog.

That being said...Kids say funny things and here are a few that I don't want to forget!

  • Most of Emmie's friends have a baby brother or sister. Her friends have been question ing her about this. While driving preschool carpool her friends asked why she didn't have a baby. She boldly exclaimed..."My mom never bought a baby!!".

  • A few weeks after the previous conversation Emmie told me that she wanted me to go buy a baby at Costco. But then she changed her mind and said she wanted me to buy her a puppy at Costco instead.

  • Emmie and Owen have both discovered a love for Ramen Noodles recently. Or as Emmie calls them, "Rotten Noodles."

  • The kids had their Primary Program this last Sunday. And while they all did great and said their parts loud and proud...Emmie stole the show. The Sunbeams were supposed to help sing the opening song, "I am a child of god" and then return to sit with their parents. Emmie sang so loud that a large portion of the congregation was laughing. I was laughing from behind her on the stand (luckily there were children standing in front of me). But her performance didn't end there. Somehow about 5 of the sunbeams never made it back to their parents. They sat in the front row with their teachers and raced up to the stand for every song. This allowed Emmie to sing her famous line, "Whenever I hear, the song of a beer."

  • Emmie has used Grandma as a universal word for grandma and grandpa for what seems like forever.  Today she was drawing a picture and labeling the faces she drew as she went.  First she drew grandma, and then she drew a picture of the boy grandma.  She then also drew a picture of Bria's dad.  When I asked her what Bria's dad's name was she thought for a moment and said, "Uncle Kortney?"

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