While I'm happy that Ains is so creative, I must admit that I'm getting tired of the 'paper hobby'. One significant problem with paper toys is that they just don't last. Especially in the presence of a 2 year old. I'm tired of resolving paper related sibling issues. I'm tired of MILLIONS of little scraps of paper. I'm tired of jagged, torn pieces of paper covering every surface of my daughter's room posing as decoration. But mostly I'm tired of hearing sobs when a paper product is torn. The other day Ains and I had a discussion (okay, it was more of a fight) about the never ending piles of paper and scraps, it was quite heated and ended with me banning paper (not a proud mommy moment).
The picture above is a picture of a few of Ainsley's creations that are very special and not allowed to be thrown away. Seriously, I would say this is maybe a fourth of the "important" documents we currently have. Some of her creations do make me laugh though. She made a purse with a baggie and some paper, a fire hat with paper and a water bottle lid (I'm still not sure what the significance of the lid is), and she has illustrated some great stories. My favorite story involves Joseph Smith, a rainbow slide, and a call to Jesus. (I would scan it for you all to read, but my scanner is having issues.)
So for the time being I guess I will just have to accept my daughter's hobby, and appreciate the quirkiness of her inventions, until I go crazy and then I'll have to convince her that throwing some of the paper away won't be that bad.