Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Emmie's Quirks

1. She's a bit like a that she flaps her arms a lot. A LOT. She flaps when she's tired, hungry, happy, or any other emotion. This has proven to be a bit frustrating when feeding her food. She flaps so much she has, on more than one occasion, hit the spoon and sent it flying. It's getting to the point where I need to wrap myself in plastic when I feed her, because somehow I'm always the one that ends up covered in food.
2. She spits. A LOT. She's always drooly and wet, but now she spits when she eats. Kind of like an excited spit. And once again, it's me that ends up covered in food. Once again making me think I need to invest in some sort of plastic covering for myself.
3. She is proving to be the blow out queen (and no she isn't ready for the next size of diapers). She only poops every few days. And when she does, there is no diaper on earth that could hold the explosion. Today her blow out went up the back and out the arm. We just threw the pj's she was wearing away...they had a hole in them anyways. And it was late at night. One of those moments where you just aren't sure where to begin, so we didn't.
4. Emmie is super talkative. She has recently discovered her upper register. So now she talks in cute little screams.

5. Emmies drool smells like yeast (although this has faded a bit lately). And somehow the drool turns her clothing yellow. Like really yellow. I have soaked her shirts in all sorts of cleaners and haven't found one that gets rid of the yellow. If I were made of money we would just be throwing these out as well.

6. And this one might sound a little crazy, but the other night John and I swear she was dancing. There was music on and John was patting something on his leg. When he would pat she would bounce and flap one arm. When he would stop she would stop and wouldn't start again until he patted again. It was weird. But I remember Ains dancing before she could walk. She would bounce excitedly to an Elmo toy. But she was like 11 months, not 6!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My baby poops once, maybe twice a week too. We have the same problem. So. Much. Fun.
