Friday, September 17, 2010

Night Out!

Last night I went to a concert. I went to see these guys ^. Although I didn't take a camera. And somehow no one I went with took a camera. I feel okay using this picture because the band used the exact same set-up last night. My friend, we'll call her Brooke, is a huge Smashing Pumpkins fan and so her husband decided to get her a ticket for the concert for her birthday and then invited me and my friend Lisa to join her so that she wouldn't have to go alone. Because that would be lame.

So, the three of us went. Approximately 1/3 of us were big Pumpkin fans. Sure I knew their big hits from highschool...but that was about it. And after last night, I think I know why they peaked when I was in highschool! But the night was still a blast!

Here are the memorable moments from the night:

1. Billy Corgan playing the guitar with his teeth. (BTW, I just learned his name last night.)

2. The bass players sparkly leggings (kind of made me want a pair)

3. The 4 year old that was there....what the what?!

4. The drunk mustache guy that tried to strike up a conversation with me.
His mustache looked kind of like this guys....except his was a little less bushy around the mouth and a little pointier on the ends.
(When he first spoke I couldn't understand him because of the noise and I was transfixed by his scraggly teeth. So I said, "What?" and then he spoke again. But I still couldn't get over his teeth. So even though I didn't hear him that time I smiled and nodded. But I guess he really wanted to get his message across to me, so later when things quieted down (a bit) he tried again, explaining to me the scene in Fight club where the people are transfixed like cattle and he then related this to the people on the floor during the previous song. It was very intriguing. I wonder if he always has such thoughts or if it requires the 8 beers he had had that night?)

5. Hanging out and becoming personal friends with the opening bands lead singer and his family.

(When we got to the Knitting Factory the opening band was playing. They were terrible. Like crazy heavy metal, John might have loved it. The performance had several lows, using the mic stand as an electric guitar, swearing and using the F word like it was going out of style, the bleached white wavy hair of the lead singer, etc. But I think the true low came when the lead singer announced to the crowd that it was so hot he had to take off his shirt! Oh, yes he did! When they finally left the stage the crowd did a sigh of relief. Seriously, I heard people sigh. Then 5 minutes later who should show up where we were standing....the lead singer! He was there with his dad, girlfriend, and step mom. I hope his family didn't hear us complaining and making fun of their son. Chances of that are pretty good since you had to yell directly in someones ear for them to hear you. Brooke went out of her way to befriend them to try to take over their seats. We learned all sorts of interesting info about this band from Chicago. And then they left. But for some reason I couldn't help but stare for the entire hour or 2 that they were with us.)

7. Almost missing the concert due to lost tickets.

8. Hair extensions worn by Brooke. (This is why I'm really kicking myself for not having a camera)

9. Being grateful we ditched the floor crowd to hang out with the calmer balcony crowd when the beer went flying.

10. Hanging out with good friends. It was definitely a memorable night!

1 comment:

shellydinger said...

That was such a fun post to read. Concerts are all about the crazy people anyway. I'm much more of a balcony crowd person too - but I loved hearing about the crazies you ran into. Smashing Pumpkins - that is awesome and hilarious at the same time.