First of all, the picture. Ainsley was told to got put her pajamas on and came out looking like this. As her mother I'll just think she was being clever and give myself some credit, that shows quite a sense of humor....right? I actually think she was copying a book she has.
Secondly, I was talking to a friend of mine last night who had her little boy just about a week before I had Owen. She was due after me, but that's a different story. Anyways, during the conversation she mentioned that her little boy would be 7 months in a few days. I thought she was counting wrong and was thinking her baby was older than he was. She wasn't wrong. I didn't even know how old Owen was. I thought he was almost 6 months. Somehow I missed a whole month of Owen's life.
Last month Seth and I were invited to our friend's house for dinner and when asked how long we've been married we both said 6 years and then when they said they have been married 7 and got married the same year as us we looked at each other and realized that we didn't know that we have been married 7 as well, which is handy since Makenzie is 6! Sheesh, rumors are going to fly. To top it off I said we were married June 4th. Then Seth corrected me to June 3rd. I felt as fabulous as you did I think. :)
(sorry about the major run-on sentence in my last comment)
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