Yesterday Ainsley bore her testimony for the first time. One of the counselors in primary gave a really good lesson on testimonies. She talked about what things young kids have a real testimony of, like Heavenly Father loving them, etc. She also talked to them about being able to say their own testimony, meaning that they shouldn't need anyone whispering in their ear, and saying what they knew in their hearts. After her lesson they let anyone in primary that wanted to bear their testimony. I thought this was great because Ains has been noticing some of the primary kids going up to the pulpit on fast Sunday and she started saying that she wanted to go bear her testimony. I just felt like she wasn't ready (we've never had her practice what she would want to say at home) and so I always told her that she would need some practice first and would be ready to do it by herself when she got older. So yesterday she had her first opportunity. She was the first kid up to the microphone (that actually talked) and this is what she said....
"I'd like to bear my testimony. I know this church is true. I know Heavenly Father loves me and I love him (this line she "borrowed" from the primary theme). I know in my heart that I will live with Heavenly Father one day."
Then she sat down. I was so proud of her! What an amazing little girl. Who cares if she forgot the "proper" ending. She was beaming as she walked to her seat....and I was too!
This Saturday’s Recipes by The Pioneer Woman
4 years ago
So cute!
That is so awesome! Ains seems so smart and grown-up for only being fours years old! Keep up the good work John and Jess!
How cute. I love hearing kids bear their testimony.
I'm glad you've told her she has to practice and be a little older. I hate it (yes, I know, I'm supposed to ooohhh and awww about how cute they are) when kids get up and say the same t hing everyone else has said--or like you said, someone is whispering in their ear--and you can tell all they are doing is showing off a little and listening to their own voices or blowing into the microphone. On the other hand, there is nothing more impressive than a child who gets up and says something sincere and different enough from all the other little kids that you know he/she is thinking and feeling and has discussed things in family home evening, and not just parroting what he/she has heard everyone else say. In our ward, as soon as the sacrament is over, it's a mad dash to see which of 2 dozen kids can get up there first. Yesterday there were so many kids that only about 3 adults had time to bear their testimonies. And with that, I'll get off my soap box.
Yeahhhh Ains!!
What a sweet little testimony and a happy moment for her and you. I can just picture her beaming smiling as she walked back to her seat.
Ains seems so mature for her age. She must have a great primary teacher who could leave that sort of impression on her. . .and good parents too!
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